
Global Smartphone AP-SoC Market Share: Quarterly

Our quarterly data for global smartphone chipsets market share. This data is based on smartphone AP/SoC shipment numbers.

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Global Smartphone AP (Application Processor) Shipments Market Share: Q4 2022 to Q1 2024

Published Date: June 4, 2024

Global Smartphone Chipset Market Share Q1 2024

Source: Global Smartphone AP-SoC Shipments & Forecast Tracker by Model – Q1 2024

This data is based on smartphone AP/SoC Shipments | Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding.

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Global Smartphone Chipset Market Share (Q4 2022 - Q1 2024)
BrandsQ4 2022Q1 2023Q2 2023Q3 2023Q4 2023Q1 2024
HiSilicon (Huawei)0%0%0%1%3%3%



• Apple: Apple’s chipset shipments declined in Q1 2024 due to seasonality.

• MediaTek: MediaTek shipments fell QoQ in Q1 2024 following strong restocking demand in Q4 2023. LTE SoC shipments declined significantly in Q1 2024. Growing demand for 5G and the successful ramp-up of the company’s third-generation flagship SoC, the Dimensity 9300, contributed to the shipments.

• Qualcomm: Qualcomm’s shipments fell QoQ in Q1 2024 as seasonality led to a slowdown of the Snapdragon 800 series. Qualcomm also lost some market share to Samsung, as the new Galaxy S24 series was launched with both Qualcomm and Samsung chipsets.

• Samsung: Samsung shipments increased QoQ in Q1 2024 driven by the launch of the Exynos 2400 with the Galaxy S24 series. The Samsung Galaxy A25 series with Exynos 1280 also added volume to the overall Samsung chipset segment.

• UNISOC: UNISOC’s shipments declined sequentially in Q1 2024. UNISOC’s share in the low-tier bands (under $99) continues to grow, driven by its LTE portfolio.

• Global Smartphone Chipset Q1 2024 market share rankings (based on shipments):

○ MediaTek 40%
○ Qualcomm 23%
○ Apple 17%
○ Samsung 6%
○ HiSilicon (Huawei) 3%
○ Others 1%

The global smartphone AP market share numbers are from:

Global Smartphone AP-SOC Shipment & Forecast Tracker by Model – Q1 2024

Excel File

Published Date: June 2024

This report tracks the smartphone AP/SoC Shipments by Model for all the vendors. The scope of this report is from the AP/SoC shipments from all the key vendors like Apple, Qualcomm, MediaTek, Huawei, Samsung, UNISOC and JLQ. We have covered all the main models starting from Q1 2020 to Q1 2024. We have also included a one-quarter forecast for Q2E 2024. This report will help you to understand the AP/SoC Market from the shipment perspective.

The CHIPS Act and its Impact on the US Foundry Industry

  • US Commerce Secretary says US to produce 20% of leading-edge chips by 2030. We project US to make at least 10% of sub-10nm chips by 2030.
  • Intel, Samsung and TSMC have transformed the US into a 2nm process battleground with more than half of the CHIP Act direct subsidies in their coffers.
  • The downside risk of the overseas expansion will be higher wafer prices.

The disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic spurred the US to focus on revitalizing its semiconductor industry, while global trade tensions prompted it to reevaluate its reliance on Asian manufacturing. With a noticeable decline in its global semiconductor manufacturing share, the US is now advocating for domestic fabrication facilities. Globally, over 70% of foundry market revenues stem from Asia, with the US contributing less than 10%.

In August 2022, US President Joe Biden signed the CHIPS and Science Act, allocating $280 billion to advance semiconductor research and manufacturing in the US. Out of this sum, $52.7 billion was earmarked for chip manufacturing subsidies and tax credits, with an additional $13 billion for research and training, aimed at fortifying US supply chains and ensuring the success of the country’s semiconductor industry. US Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo aims for the US to produce 20% of the world’s leading-edge logic chips by 2030. With significant US investments, we project at least 10% of sub-10nm chips will be made domestically by 2030.

Global Leading Foundries Receive Around 55% of US Subsidies 

In a recent series of multi-billion-dollar grants, Intel, TSMC and Samsung collectively received over half of the $39 billion CHIPS Act incentives. The Act has initiated numerous projects aimed at boosting manufacturing capacity in the US, especially for advanced nodes.

Intel is set to receive up to $8.5 billion in direct funding to propel its domestic semiconductor projects. The company also stands to benefit from a US investment tax credit of up to 25% on more than $100 billion in qualified investments.

TSMC touted agreements with the US government to secure $6.6 billion in direct funding. The agreement also proposes to provide TSMC with as much as $5 billion in loans and up to 25% tax credits for its $65 billion capital expenditure in Arizona.

Samsung was granted a $6.4 billion subsidy for its $45 billion chip investment in Taylor, Texas where it is building a 4nm EUV manufacturing facility. The plant is set to begin mass production in 2025.

Foundry Giants Compete to Produce Next-gen Cutting-edge Chips

As funds flow into US coffers, we expect a showdown among top advanced-node chipmakers, Intel, Samsung and TSMC, to turn the US into the battleground for 2nm processes. Recent updates reveal advancements in the advanced nodes of these companies’ US plants.

Intel’s ambitious plan, dubbed 5N4Y, targets the release of five nodes within four years, with the 18A process slated to lead by 2025. Recent milestones include the completion of the first 18A product (Clearwater Forest), with volume ramp-up expected by 2025. Furthermore, Intel has enhanced its roadmap to feature the more advanced 14A in its leading-edge node lineup.

TSMC’s first Arizona plant (N4) is slated for production in H1 2025, with plans for a second plant to produce 2nm chips alongside the previously announced 3nm. This second plant, expected to launch in 2028, could increase TSMC’s capacity to 50,000 wafers per month. Notably, TSMC aims to serve prominent US customers like Apple, NVIDIA, AMD and Qualcomm with its advanced process capacity in the US. Additionally, the availability of 2nm chips in the US could bolster TSMC’s market share against Intel’s 18A process.

Samsung is constructing a 4nm EUV manufacturing facility in Taylor, Texas, set to commence mass production in 2025. Initially, only a limited volume of equipment setup is expected, capable of producing 5,000 12-inch wafers per month by H2 2024.

New Semiconductor Fabrication Facilities in The US (KWPM)Source: Counterpoint Research

Overseas Expansion Risks Could Lead to Higher Wafer Prices

In the realm of more sophisticated technology nodes, greater quantities of materials will be required for additional layers and process steps in wafer production. Historically, we have observed a 5%-15% uptick in the total number of mask layers. Additionally, other cost drivers such as maintenance and labor expenses are anticipated to emerge.

These factors will inevitably raise the overall cost structure. We project that inflation in fab construction costs will continue to outpace broader inflation levels, at least until 2030. This is primarily due to the absence of a sustained volume of new fab buildouts in the US.

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Turnaround for Smartphone AP-SoC Market in 2024; TSMC to be Key Beneficiary of Node Transition, Premium Segment Growth

  • Growth: AP-SoC shipments will rebound 9% YoY in 2024 after two years of declines.
  • Driver: Advanced nodes will be the key driver in this growth due to the migration of Apple- and Qualcomm-powered flagships from 5/4nm to 3nm. TSMC will be the key foundry beneficiary in the long term.
  • Driver: 5/4nm offers support as OEMs switch to entry-level 5G from older nodes.
  • Outlook: MediaTek and Qualcomm will reap benefits from the 6/7-to-5/4 transition; Qualcomm will dominate through 2025.
  • Outlook: SMIC will gain some share in 6/7nm but advanced node challenges will persist.
  • Outlook: Key 3nm flagship transition likely to push H2 up. 2nm will be likely delayed till late 2026.

Taipei, Seoul, Hong Kong, Boston, New Delhi, London, Hong Kong – April 4, 2024

After two years of significant declines, the smartphone semiconductor market is likely to turn the corner, with 2024 smartphone AP-SoC shipments rebounding 9% YoY, according to Counterpoint Research’s latest Smartphone AP-SoC Long-term Shipment Forecast by Node and Foundry. The key driver of this growth will be the transition from 5/4nm chips to 3nm chips across flagships, as well as expected growth in premium and ultra-premium smartphones. TSMC will be the key foundry beneficiary here in the long term.

AP-SoC Shipments 2024E

“With all the growth coming from the advanced nodes this is positive for TSMC through the long term” says Brady Wang, Associate Director for Counterpoint Research’s Foundry and Semiconductor 360 research services. “And with the surge in AI semiconductors the short term view looks even brighter.”

Supporting the growth of advanced nodes will be 5/4nm, which is set to become another long-term node as smartphone OEMs switch more of their portfolios to entry-level 5G, thanks to growth in emerging markets, growing consumer awareness, and rise in demand for 5G as a feature in line with expanding network coverage.

“For fabless, it is a given that both MediaTek and Qualcomm are going to be the big winners in the 4G-to-5G transition,” said Parv Sharma, Senior Analyst at Counterpoint’s Semiconductor 360 research service. “It is a good opportunity for MediaTek to capitalize on its leading-edge sweet spot, but we still see Qualcomm dominating through 2025 when it will have almost 50% share of the 5/4nm segment.”

SMIC will see increasing relevance in 7/6nm but will likely face challenges in any shift towards more advanced nodes as DUV equipment bans slow progress.

2nm continues to be elusive but will likely emerge in 2026 with the arrival of Apple’s iPhone 18 series.

*Note: We have updated the last sentence of this PR to reflect 2nm will likely emerge in 2026 with the arrival of Apple’s iPhone 18 series; it was originally stated as the ‘iPhone 19 series’.


Counterpoint Technology Market Research is a global research firm specializing in products in the TMT (technology, media and telecom) industry. It services major technology and financial firms with a mix of monthly reports, customized projects and detailed analyses of the mobile and technology markets. Its key analysts are seasoned experts in the high-tech industry.

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Qualcomm Posts Higher Than Guided Q4 Revenues Driven by Smartphones, Automotive

  • Handset revenues were driven by flagship chipsets and Chinese OEMs’ growth.
  • IoT inventory levels were still high. They are expected to normalize by Q2 2024.
  • Auto continued to gain momentum with silicon design wins and a lengthening pipeline.
  • Multiple key licenses got extensions, including with Apple, Samsung and Chinese smartphone OEMs.

Driven by the handset and automotive segments, Qualcomm’s revenues grew 5% annually and 15% sequentially in Q4 2023, above the high end of the guidance. Handset revenues were driven by flagship chipsets Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 and 8 Gen 2’s design wins and demand from Chinese smartphone OEMs. The automotive segment was driven by increased content in new vehicles along with smartphone digital platforms. Overall, the inventory came down to normal levels with the demand from smartphones coming back on track. IoT inventory levels were still high in the industrial and edge networking segments, with some stabilization on the consumer side. Qualcomm expects the IoT inventory to normalize by Q2 2024.

Device AI adoption at edge

CEO Cristiano Amon: “It’s not only unique to the Galaxy S24 that has a number of use cases running GenAI on the device. But we’ll also see that happening with some of our other customers from China launching a number of models. So, I think we have a large number now of models being ported into our hardware for gen AI. I think we’re starting to see the beginning of new use cases. Reviews have been positive, and we are happy with we’ve seen the results following the launch.”
Tarun Pathak’s analyst take: The share of Generative AI (GenAI) smartphones in the overall smartphone market will be in single digits in 2023. But those numbers will not accurately reflect the amount of excitement and marketing hyperbole we are expecting to see. We expect GenAI smartphones to hit an inflection point in 2026 as the devices permeate through the broader price segments. The coming year will be pivotal for GenAI smartphones with preliminary data projecting their shipments to reach over 100 million units in 2024, according to an upcoming report, ‘GenAI Smartphone Shipments and Insights’, from Counterpoint Research’s Smartphone 360 Service. By 2027, we expect GenAI smartphone shipments to reach 522 million units, growing at a CAGR of 83%.

Outlook for Smartphones in 2024

CFO Akash Palkhiwala: “We entered fiscal ’24, our view was that Android channel inventory had largely normalized. And so as we go through the year, we typically see normal build bleed cycle around handset launches.

So, that’s kind of the phase we are in from our perspective. In the first quarter, what we saw was higher demand due to the acceleration of Android flagship launches with our new chip, Snapdragon 8 Gen 3. And we saw very strong demand across all the major Android OEMs. And so happy, of course, with that traction and that momentum carries over to the second quarter as well.”

Parv Sharma’s analyst take: We are assuming Android volumes will recover somewhat, as excess inventory in finished goods, which was a drag on the market throughout 2023, allowing an inflow of new models. However, we also expect some new inventories to be built in 2024 as competitive forces (Huawei resurgence) and uncertain demand (China and Europe weakness) continue to hamper demand forecasting at OEMs. We forecast smartphone AP/SoC shipments to grow in the low single digits in 2024.

Weakness in IoT and outlook

CFO: From an IoT inventory perspective, what we have seen is stabilization really on the consumer side. As you know, we were one of the first to call out the weakness in IoT, and now we’re seeing it go through both on the industrial and the edge networking side. And consistent with our previous comments, we think the first quarter was the bottom for our IoT revenue stream. We’re guiding second quarter up mid- to high single digits. Second half of the fiscal year, as we see the inventory channel kind of normalizing and end markets kind of benefiting from that, we’re excited about what our product portfolio can bring.”

Anish Khajuria’s analyst take: Global cellular IoT module shipments are projected to decline by 5% YoY in 2023. However, the demand is expected to revive by the second half of 2024, with substantial growth predicted for 2025, coinciding with the mass adoption of 5G and 5G RedCap. In the long term, the cellular IoT module market holds promise and applications such as smart meter, router/CPE, POS, automotive and asset tracking will be driving most of the growth for this market.

A Chart showing Qualcomm Revenues Q4 2019 to Q4 2023 (in $ Million)

Result summary

  • Growth in revenues: Qualcomm’s revenues grew 5% annually and 15% sequentially in Q4 2023, driven by the handset and automotive segments.
  • Flagship Android AP/SoCs drive growth: Handset revenues grew 16% annually and 23% sequentially in Q4 2023 driven by flagship chipsets Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 and 8 Gen 2’s design wins and demand from Chinese smartphone OEMs.
  • Automotive continues to drive growth: The company’s automotive segment was driven by increased content in new vehicles along with smartphone digital platforms. In 2023, 75 new models were launched commercially with Qualcomm’s Digital Chassis platforms. Further, on-device AI will enable more silicon content gains in ADAS and cockpit solutions.
  • IoT to come back to growth: IoT revenues declined 32% annually and 18% sequentially due to weakness in demand from elevated inventory levels in the channel. Industrial and edge continued to be weak with some demand coming back in consumer IoT. Qualcomm guided that growth would come back in mid-2024.
  • Seasonal decline: Qualcomm guided a sequential decline in Q1 2024 revenues due to seasonality. Android revenues will be flat, IoT revenues will grow in mid-to-high single digits, and auto revenues will decline.
  • Inventory levels: Smartphones are now at normal inventory levels, while the IoT inventory is expected to normalize by Q2 2024.
  • Extension for key licenses: Apple is extending its license for baseband modems by two years to March 2027, while long-term agreements with Chinese smartphone OEMs are being renewed. A multi-year agreement with Samsung has fetched a third extension. These highlight the importance of Qualcomm’s core IP and product leadership.
  • Snapdragon Elite X launching in 2024: For PCs, the Snapdragon Elite X will launch in mid-2024. It offers new GenAI features and better performance and battery life for Windows-based PCs.

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MediaTek Delivers Strong Q4 2023 Performance as Smartphone Market Recovers

  • Mobile segment fueled by strong demand for 5G and 4G SoCs.
  • Inventory down to a healthy level during the quarter.
  • We expect revenue growth in the flagship segment in 2024.
  • On-device Gen AI set to be adopted across multiple applications like Auto, HPC and Edge computing.
  • Enterprise ASIC projects to start production in late 2025, with revenue contribution expanding in 2026.

MediaTek’s revenue jumped 17% QoQ and 18% YoY in Q4 2023, largely driven by a recovery in the global smartphone market and the successful ramp up of the brand’s flagship SoC, the Dimensity 9300. The mobile segment experienced exceptional annual and sequential growth due to high demand for 5G and 4G SoCs. On-device gen AI is driving smartphone upgrade demand among flagship and high-end smartphones. Gen AI is also making its way into computing devices, specifically tablets. The Dimensity 9300, which has impressive generative AI capabilities, has been adopted by many tablet manufacturers for their flagship models.

Customer and channel-level inventory lowered to a healthy level

CEO Rick Tsai: “The inventory level right now is very healthy. Maybe at the end of Q4 2023, a bit too healthy. And you’re right that we are…Actually, in some cases, we are rushing our manufactured partners for shipments to us. Saying all that, our goal, of course, is to maintain a stable inventory. I think we have learned our lessons.”

Shivani Parashar’s analyst take: “In Q4 2023, MediaTek successfully lowered its high inventory levels to a more normalized state, with stable customer and channel inventory. According to our supply chain checks, MediaTek’s channel-level inventory is currently at a normal level. Smartphone OEMs have started restocking their inventory, but they remain cautious. The macroeconomic conditions in the US and China have somewhat stabilized, with a moderate increase in demand. For Q1 2024, MediaTek anticipates strong YoY revenue growth, reflecting a more normalized inventory situation.”


CEO: “We work with them on our modem, but we build our partnership with them. And I cannot say whether they will succeed or not for Xiaomi, but we do know OPPO met difficulties for sure… in many ways, I think that makes OPPO now even a stronger partner with us and vice versa. Still for ARM, we understand ARM is a business objectives and the business model and the — and but if you look around the industry, MediaTek is one of the very, very few to AP really advanced AP supplier with track record. And I think it’s important, maybe even imperative that we work together as an ecosystem partner in the market share together.”

Parv Sharma’s analyst take: “It is not easy to develop chipsets. We have seen consolidation in the industry and many players have also quit the development of in-house chipsets. Building modems is another ball game as it requires IP and expertise. MediaTek has benefited from OEMs canceling their in-house development as these OEMs are now more reliant on chipset vendors. We have also seen MediaTek taking a collaborative approach by partnering with smartphone players to tweak chipsets for their smartphones.”

CEO: I think the growth picture remains still a little uncertain. First quarter, obviously, we know well and we are having, I would say, a strong YoY growth. And we all know, one of the major driver was the restocking. However, also, I would say, our SoS, the flagship SoC for the mobile applications is also contributing a great deal to our growth. My expectation is for our flagship SoC’s growth to continue into the year the restocking momentum remains to be seen somewhat.”

Shivani Parashar’s analyst take: “

“In 2024, we expect Android volumes to recover due to the normalization of excess finished goods inventory which weighed on the market throughout 2023. This normalization is expected to pave the way for an influx of new models. We anticipate MediaTek gaining volume as the low- and mid-market rebounds. However, we foresee increased competition in the entry-level 5G segment from Qualcomm and UNISOC. For MediaTek, 5G penetration is expected to rise more than other brands, considering its current greater dependence on LTE chipsets. Additionally, we expect revenue growth in the flagship segment in 2024.”

A chart showing Mediatek Revenues ($ Million), Gross Profit, R&D, Expenditure and Operating Income (%), Q4 2019 - Q4 2023

Result summary

  • Growth in revenues: MediaTek’s Q4 2023 revenue rose 17% QoQ and 18% annually to reach $4.1 billion, mainly due to recovery in the smartphone market.
  • The mobile segment witnessed robust growth in revenue: The mobile segment revenue climbed 45% YoY and increased by 53% QoQ in Q4 2023 to account for 64% of the company’s total revenue. Growing demand for 5G and 4G SoCs and the successful ramp up of the company’s third-generation flagship SoC, the Dimensity 9300, contributed to this growth.
  • New opportunities for smart edge: The smart edge segment accounted for 30% of the company’s revenue in down 20% QoQ. The decrease was mainly due to a reduction in orders from TV customers because of the pre-built inventory in H1 2023. 5G modems, automotive and ASIC categories continue to grow in Q1 2024.
  • Power IC: The Power IC segment accounted for 6% of the company’s total revenue, up 18% YoY and flat QoQ in Q4 2023. Data centers and Power IC witnessed strong growth while broad-based consumer electronics revenue was flattish.
  • Favorable guidance: MediaTek guided flat/slightly declining revenue for Q1 2024, ranging between $3.9 billion and $4.2 billion. Gross margin is expected to be around 47% in Q1 2024 while the operating expense ratio is expected to be around 28%. In Q1 2024, mobile segment revenue is expected to marginally decline following robust demand for restocking in Q4 2023. The smart edge segment will remain flat due to seasonality while the Power IC segment will decline due to seasonality and product transitions.
  • Auto pipeline remains unchanged: In the automotive segment, in addition to the generative AI possibilities inside vehicles, the Dimensity Auto platform is consistently gaining popularity globally. MediaTek expects e-cockpit, 5G telematics and power IC, combined with NVIDIA’s ADAS and software to position the company as a robust strategic partner for car manufacturers worldwide.
  • Inventory turnover: MediaTek’s inventory declined to a healthy level in Q4 2023. The brand expects the overall inventory environment to continue to improve in the coming quarters.

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Infographic: Q3 2023 | Semiconductors, Foundry Share and Smartphone AP Share

Infographic: Semiconductors Top 7 in Q3 2023

Nvidia took the #1 spot in terms of global semiconductor revenue at the expense of Intel, which largely benefitted from its booming data center business. Nvidia is expected to continue its dominance in semiconductor revenue performance in the coming quarters due to solid AI server demand from tech giants. Intel reported QoQ revenue growth thanks to incremental PC orders. Samsung remained #3 in the quarter with QoQ growth coming from continuous recovery in its memory business. SK Hynix also benefited from this trend and reported sequential revenue growth.

A chart showing the top 7 semiconductors by revenue in Q3 2023
* Qualcomm revenue excludes QTL
** Excludes pure-play foundries like TSMC to avoid double-counting of industry revenue
*** Excludes Apple and Huawei developments for in-house semiconductor chip designs

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Infographic: Global Smartphone AP Share in Q3 2023

Global Smartphone AP Share by Shipments

MediaTek dominated the smartphone SoC market in Q3 2023 with a share of 33%. MediaTek’s shipments increased in Q3 2023 as the inventory levels came down. New smartphone launches in the low- and mid-end segments have increased the shipments in the Dimensity 7000 series. MediaTek also refreshed the Dimensity 9300 with Gen AI capabilities. Qualcomm captured a 28% share during the quarter. Qualcomm’s shipments increased sequentially in Q3 2023 due to the high shipments for the Snapdragon 695 and Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 chipsets. Also, key design wins for the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 in the Samsung Galaxy Fold/Flip series contributed to this growth.

Global Smartphone AP Share by Revenue

Qualcomm dominated the AP market in Q3 2023 with a 40% revenue share. The premium segment drove the brand’s growth due to the adoption of Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 in Samsung’s flagship smartphones and by Chinese OEMs. Apple had a 31% share in the AP SoC market in Q3 2023 in terms of revenue. Apple’s share increased by 23% QoQ due to the launch of the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro series. MediaTek captured the third position with a share of 15% in the total global smartphone AP/SoC revenues. MediaTek’s revenue increased QoQ in Q3 2023 as the inventory levels came down while the competition in the entry-level 5G segment continued to grow.

Infographic Global Smartphone AP Market Share Q3 2023

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Infographic: Foundry Revenue Share in Q3 2023

Foundry Companies’ Share by Revenue

In Q3 2023, the global foundry industry witnessed a clear hierarchy in market share. TSMC dominated the landscape with an impressive 59% market share driven by N3 ramp-up and smartphone restocking demand. At the second position was Samsung Foundry with a 13% share. UMC, GlobalFoundries and SMIC had similar market shares with each contributing around 6%. TSMC’s significant lead underscored its technological prowess and market leadership, setting the tone for the industry’s trajectory in Q3 2023. However, some mature node foundries such as UMC started to face headwinds in Q3 2023 due to muted LDDIC and PMIC demand.

Foundry Industry Share by Technology Node

In Q3 2023, the market was prominently led by the 5/4nm segment, which had a 23% share. This dominance resulted from strong demand, particularly from AI and iPhone. The 7/6nm segment’s market share remained steady, showing early signs of order recovery in the smartphone market. On the other hand, the 28/22nm segment encountered challenges due to inventory corrections in networking applications, while the 65/55nm segment experienced a downturn due to decreasing demand in automotive applications.

Infographic Global Foundry Revenue Share Q3 2023

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