Mobile Handset Forecast by Region (Long Term) Aug 2022

Aug 31, 2022


The annual smartphone shipment volume is estimated to be 1.3 billion units in 2022, down 6% YoY, with shrinking demand amid the rising global uncertainties. The reasons for further lowering the forecast are as follows;

  • A loweing of our evaluation of the global economy following a weaker growth outlook and stronger than expected central bank actions to combat inflation. We now believe a recession is very likely in late 2022 into 2023.
  • There appears to be no end in sight to the Ukraine war, and weakening supplies of grains and fuels could cause new diplomatic rows between nations.
  • We now expect the elevated commodity prices to continue to damage the global supply chain, while weakening consumer demand for tech products may lead to a supply glut in semiconductors and tech components.

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Aug 31, 2022

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Liz Lee

Liz, an Associate Director at Counterpoint Research, has 14+ years of extensive experience in the tech industry. Previously, Liz worked for Samsung SDI focusing on IR (Investor Relations) along with insight-based analysis of emerging tech markets and corporate strategies. She holds an International MBA degree from Waseda Business School.