Mobile Handset Forecast by Region (Long Term) Mar 2021

Mar 21, 2021

The global smartphone market in 2020 declined by 10% YoY, showing shipments of 1,331 m units. A strong 4Q 2020 continued the revival and gave indications of a strong full-year rebound in 2021. In 2021, we are forecasting a growth of 11% YoY for the global smartphone market, reaching 1,480 million units. Major factors leading the smartphone market in 2021 are the global spread of 5G devices, the shift in demand to 2021 for smartphones that had been reduced due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the increase in demand for smartphones due to the recovery of the global economy along with Feature phone users' smartphone conversion inflow. 

Published Date: March 2021


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Mar 21, 2021

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Jene Park

Jene (Jin Suk) is a Senior Research Analyst at Counterpoint Research based on Seoul korea, Since he started his career in Samsung, he experienced various industry and jobs including Strategy Consultant in international Consulting firms. To pursue his major interest in smart devices and connectivity, he joined Counterpoint Research team. In academic side, Jene holds a Bachelor of Economics degree in Yonsei Univ in Korea.