
OEMs Tech Global Shipments Q4 2017

This report tracks global shipments of 120+ brands by technology

Author: Counterpoint
Published Date: March 2018

Global PC Shipments: 2010Q1-2017Q4

Counterpoint Research is analysing Global PC industry on a quarterly basis. In this report, we have analysed Global PC shipments from Q1 2010 to Q4 2017 with key focus on Desktop Vs Notebooks global shipments and annual Growth % for Major OEMs & PC industry.


  • Global PC Shipments and Global PC Desktop Shipments declined 2 % YoY and 14 % YoY respectively, where Global PC Notebooks grew 4 % YoY in 2017.
  • HP ranked No. 1 in PC Desktop Shipments and No. 2 in PC Notebook shipments, with 20% and 22.7% market share in 2017, respectively. Also, it is the only player in 4Q 2017 with positive YoY growth in PC Desktop (1%) and PC Notebooks (8%) shipments, respectively. Hence, HP managed to replace Lenovo from top spot in Global PC Shipments
  • Lenovo remained the No. 1 spot in PC Notebook Shipments with 23% market share and 5% YoY growth in 2017. In China, Lenovo regained momentum for 2nd consecutive quarter via innovative products and channel enhancement. Moreover, in Q4 2017 revenue grew 7.6 YoY to US$9.3 billion, and up 10.4 % QoQ.
  • Dell remained on 3rd spot in both Global PC Shipments and PC Notebooks Shipments with 16% and 14% market share respectively in 2017. In Q4 2017, its revenue grew 10% YoY, driven by notebooks and the benefits of investments in gaming products. Almost 50 % of revenue is generated by sales to customers in the Americas, with the remaining portion derived from sales to customers in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region and the Asia-Pacific and Japan region.
  • In 4Q 2017: Apple Global PC Shipments declined 5 % YoY due to delay in shipping of its new iMac Pro late in December 2017 as compare to MacBook Pro shipment in early Q4 2016.However, Apple Global PC Shipments grew 2% YoY in 2017, majorly dominated by PC Notebooks Shipments ‘s growth of 5% YoY in 2017.
  • In 4Q 2017, Toshiba continues to decline 47% QoQ and 75 % YoY, due to complete withdrawal from overseas B2C business. In addition to lower sales, increases in component costs, such as SSD, resulted in deteriorated operating income and revenue decline of 16 % YoY
  • In Q4 2017, Microsoft launched the Surface LTE and unveiled a new generation of always on, always connected Windows 10 PCs. With up to 20 days of standby power, this new category of PCs, deeply integrated with Cortana and with new near-field and far-field capability, will fundamentally change productivity. A year ago, Microsoft made its entry to PC market with the introduction of Surface Book in Q4 2016. And in Q4 2017, its Global PC Shipments grew 84 % YoY, the highest YoY growth among all players.

PC vendors are embracing Qualcomm powered always Cellular connected PC. However, Intel is not left behind in this race. In 4Q 2017, Qualcomm announced it Connected PC solution is powered by Snapdragon 835 Mobile PC Platform with built-in 4G LTE connectivity. Qualcomm connected PC portfolio includes X5 LTE modem that supports download speeds up to 150 Mbps and Snapdragon X7 that supports up to 300 Mbps. Moreover, X16 LTE modem supports LTE advance Pro or Gigabyte LTE. Asus NovaGo and HP ENVY x2 were one of the first few PC models to adopt the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 SoC for always Connected PC solution. In CES 2018, Intel-powered always connected PC showcased equipped with Intel Core processor and Intel XMMTM modem for Always Connected PC solution. PC vendors announced their new product.
• Acer introduced the Intel Core i7 processor-powered Swift 7
• HP announced the new Envy X2, an always-connected PC
• Dell announced that its all-new Inspiron 5280 2 in 1 with built-in 4G LTE

Interestingly, HP originally launched always connected PC powered by the Qualcomm Snapdragon 835 and Windows 10, however, HP is now introducing a new Intel-powered variant. Instead of a Snapdragon 835, HP has added a 7th gen Intel Y-Series processor on this device and Windows 10 Home instead of Windows 10 S. However, Lenovo announced its Miix 630 model, built on the Qualcomm Snapdragon Mobile 835 Mobile PC processor and comes with 4G connectivity. We also expect some of the smartphone OEM to enter this space, leveraging their experience by employing the same snapdragon solution for smartphone, extending to thin form of connected PC, with windows on snapdragon.

Other factor which will drive always connected & new generation of windows 10 and beyond are the mixed reality features coming to windows platform which will have significant use case in education, industrial and enterprise verticals as well as for creative professionals, advertisers and gaming developers.

In the age of IoT Revolution, In-built connectivity for PC was the next step of evolution for PC industry. Going forward, we can see more PC vendors opting for always connected PC solutions. However, there is now still tough competition between Qualcomm and Intel to dominate the always connected PC market.

Table of contents:

  • Pivot Chart
  • Pivot
  • PCs – Notebooks Vs Desktops 

Author: Satyajit Sinha
Published Date: March 2018

Global Tablet Shipments: 2010Q1 – 2017 Q4

Counterpoint research is closely tracking tablet market since its inception on a quarterly basis. With focus on key manufacturers we are analysing global tablet industry by various segments. This report contains global tablet shipments and market share of tablet manufacturers by all major operating systems from Q1 2010 – Q4 2017

  • Global Tablet Shipment declined 9 % YoY in 2017. However, in Q4 2017, it grew 12 % QoQ due to the effect of holiday season.
  • Apple is leading Global Tablet Shipment with 26 % market share and 3 % YoY growth in 2017. iPad net sales increased during 4Q 2017 by 6 % YoY due primarily to a different mix of iPads with higher average selling prices.
  • Samsung remained in the No. 2 spot with 15 % market share. However, it declined 6 % YoY in 2017.
  • After its strong promotional campaign in the third quarter of 2017, Amazon turned less aggressive about marketing its tablets in the 4Q 2017. However, Amazon is one of the fastest growing brands in the declining tablet market and remained at the 3rd spot with 8% market share in 2017.
  • Huawei climb up to the 4th spot replacing Lenovo with 7.7 % market share and 27 % YoY growth in 2017.The major area of operation for Huawei was China and Europe with 38 % and 32 % shipment share respectively in Q4 2017.

Table of contents:

  • Pivot Table
  • Pivot Charts
  • Pivot-Tablet by OS
  • Global
  • Global By OS

Author: Satyajit Sinha
Published Date: March 2018

OEMs Tech Global Shipments

This report tracks global shipments for OEMs by tech, ASP and revenue

Author: Counterpoint
Published Date: February 2018

Global Tablet Shipments: 2010Q1 -2017Q3

Counterpoint research is closely tracking tablet market since its inception on a quarterly basis. With focus on key manufacturers we are analysing global tablet industry by various segments. This report contains global tablet shipments and market share of tablet manufacturers by all major operating systems from Q1 2010 to Q3 2017.


  • Global Tablet Shipments increased 5.5 % QoQ due to high seasonal demand.
  • Apple is still leading in the tablet market and grew 11.4% YoY.
  • Huawei, Lenovo and Asus are the only three brands that witnessed both QoQ and YoY growth.

Table of contents:

  • Pivot Table
  • Pivot Charts
  • Pivot-Tablet by OS
  • Global
  • Global By OS

Number of Pages: 5 (Full reports are available for clients at our portal)

Author: Satyajit (

Published Date: November 2017

Global PC Shipments: 2010Q1-2017Q3

Counterpoint Research is analysing Global PC industry on a quarterly basis. In this report, we have analysed Global PC shipments from Q1 2010 to Q3 2017 with key focus on Desktop Vs Notebooks global shipments and annual Growth % for Major OEMs & PC industry.


  • Global PC Shipments drop 2.1 % YoY. 
  • Apple grew 14 % YoY for Global PC Notebooks.
  • Lenovo regained the top spot with 23.5 % market share in Global PC Notebooks replacing HP. 

Table of contents:

  • Pivot Chart
  • Pivot
  • PCs – Notebooks Vs Desktops  


Number of Pages: 5 (Full reports are available for clients at our portal)

Author: Satyajit (

Published Date: November 2017

Global PC Shipments: 2010Q1-2017Q1

Counterpoint Research is analysing Global PC industry on a quarterly basis. In this report, we have analysed Global PC shipments from Q1 2010 to Q1 2017 with key focus on Desktop Vs Notebooks global shipments and annual Growth % for Major OEMs & PC industry.


  • We can see a drop of QoQ in the Desktop shipment in1Q2017
  • HP and Lenovo are the top performer during this quarter

Table of contents:

  • Pivot Chart
  • Pivot
  • PCs – Notebooks Vs Desktops  

In our next report we will be updating the five year forecast of Global PC’s shipments. 

Number of Pages: 5 (Full reports are available for clients at our portal)
Author: Satyajit (
Published Date: May 2017

Global Tablet Shipments: 2010Q1 -2017Q1

Counterpoint research is closely tracking tablet market since its inception on a quarterly basis. With focus on key manufacturers we are analysing global tablet industry by various segments. This report contains global tablet shipments and market share of tablet manufacturers by all major operating systems from Q1 2010 to Q1 2017.


  • The tablet sales declined QoQ in 1Q 2017 due to seasonality. However, there was YoY growth, indicating a rise in the number of tablet users.
  • Apple was the highest contributor in the overall shipments.
  • Microsoft and Asus are the only players who are managed to achieve growth in both QoQ and YoY measures

Table of contents:

  • Pivot Table
  • Pivot Charts
  • Pivot-Tablet by OS
  • Global
  • Global By OS

Number of Pages: 5 (Full reports are available for clients at our portal)
Author: Satyajit (
Published Date: May 2017

Global Tablet Shipments: 2010Q1 -2016Q4

Counterpoint research is closely tracking tablet market since its inception on a quarterly basis. With focus on key manufacturers we are analysing global tablet industry by various segments. This report contains global tablet shipments and market share of tablet manufacturers by all major operating systems from Q1 2010 to Q4 2016.

Table of contents:

  • Pivot Table
  • Pivot Charts
  • Pivot-Tablet by OS
  • Global
  • Global By OS

Number of Pages: 5 (Full reports are available for clients at our portal)
Author: Mudit (
Published Date: February 2017

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