
IoT Global Cellular Connection Tracker: Forecast CY 2025


Global IoT Cellular Connection grew 72% in 1H18, a considerable increase from the same period last year. This report analyses the IoT connectivity tech, application comparisons and competitive landscape, adoption trends and future outlook at operator level. Moreover, the report projects the operator level analysis with LPWAN and 5G adoption by 2025.

Table of Contents: 

  • Cellular IoT Connection
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Cellular Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application Share %
  • C-IoT Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection                         
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection Market Share %         
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection                         
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection Market Share %         
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection                 
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection Market Share % 
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection                  
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection Market Share %  
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection                 
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection Market Share % 
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection                         
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection Market Share %                        
  • C-IoT Connection by Region
    • Global IoT Cellular Connection by Region             
    • Global IoT Cellular Connection by Region Market Share %
    • Asia IoT Cellular Connection by Country 
    • Asia IoT Cellular Connection by Country Market Share %
    • Americas IoT Cellular Connection by Country      
    • Americas IoT Cellular Connection by Country Market Share %
  • Charts and Graphs
  • At-a-glance
    • Global IoT Cellular Connection 2025E     
    • Global IoT Cellular Connection 2025E Market Share %    
    • Global IoT Cellular Connection by Connection     
    • Global IoT Cellular Connection by Connection Market Share %
  • Operators covered by: 
    • Cellular IoT Connection
    • C-IoT Connection by Technology
    • C-IoT Connection by Application
      • China Mobile
      • China Unicom
      • China Telecom
      • Vodafone
      • AT&T
      • Telenor
      • SoftBank*
      • KDDI
      • Telia
      • KT Crop               
      • Verizon               
      • T-Mobile                            
      • Sprint
      • Telefonica
      • Orange                
      • Deutsche Telekom**
      • NTT Docomo
      • Tesltra                 
      • SK Telecom
      • LGU+       

Author: Satyajit Sinha
Published Date: November 2018

Google: A Promising Cloud-to-Chip IoT Edge Offering


The two big cloud giants Amazon and Microsoft have made their edge solutions generally available in June 2017 and June 2018 respectively. With the change in leadership in 2016, Google started to strengthen their Cloud Platform offerings, more mergers and acquisitions to fill the gaps and focus on attracting more of enterprise customers. Finally, in 2018, Google forayed into the edge computing realm with Cloud IoT Edge (software stack) and Edge TPU (hardware chip), which aims to integrate tightly with the Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Table of Contents:

  • Cloud Software Platforms Rapidly Developing Edge Capabilities
  • Cloud IoT Edge & Edge TPU Extend Intelligence at Edge
  • TensorFlow Lite Enables ML inferences on Mobile & IoT Devices
  • Google’s Specialized Hardware – Edge TPU for AI at Edge
  • Edge TPU Accelerator for Low-Power IoT Solutions
  • Growing Partners across Value Chain
  • Smart Parking: Edge Enhances the UX of Smart Products
  • LG CNS: Anomaly Detection at Higher Speed & Accuracy
  • Key Takeaways

Number of Pages: 11
Author: Falguni Shah
Published Date: October 2018

Global IoT Connectivity Landscape and Trends – 2018


This report analyses the IoT connectivity tech, application comparisons and competitive landscape, adoption trends and Future outlook. Moreover, the operator level analysis with LPWAN and 5G Deployment timeline.

Table of Contents:

  • IoT Overview
  • Comparisons IoT Connectivity Technologies
  • Competitive Landscape of Cellular IoT Connection
  • Cellular LPWA : NB-IoT Connectivity Technologies
  • Cellular LPWA : LTE-M Connectivity Technologies
  • Non-Cellular LPWA connectivity: LoRa, SigFox, Ingenu, Bluetooth, etc.
  • Cellular 5G IoT Connectivity Technologies
  • Competitive Landscape & Adoption Trends for LPWA
  • Competitive Landscape & Adoption Trends for IoT Application
  • Key Takeaways and Conclusion

Number of Pages: 58
Author: Satyajit Sinha
Published Date: October 2018

FogHorn: Innovative Edge- First Platform for Industrial IoT


Many big leading cloud and analytics companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google, PTC Thingworx, GE, HP Enterprise, IBM and others provide comprehensive IoT platform-based solutions. As the need for edge computing grows, these vendors have integrated ‘edge analytics’ capabilities as an extension of their cloud IoT platform.

Foghorn is a fast-growing, start-up IoT software vendor that has designed and built the platform edge-first. This report analyzes FogHorn’s specialization in high-performance intelligent IoT edge computing, with a heavy focus on industrial and commercial IoT applications.

Table of Contents:

  • Need for Shift from Cloud to Edge Computing Grows
  • Edge Computing: Essential to Drive Intelligence at Edge
  • FogHorn Differentiators: 1. Small Footprint Intelligent Edge Platform
  • FogHorn Differentiators: 2. Edge-Optimized Expression Language
  • Growing Partner Roster Across the Value Chain
  • Key Takeaways

Number of Pages: 7
Author: Falguni Shah
Published Date: September 2018

China IoT Cellular Connection Tracker CY 2010-2025


China IoT cellular connection Grew 137% in 1H 2018. By 2025, China market will contribute to 64% of Global IoT cellular connection, whereas in 1H 2018 it contributed to only 61%. This report covers operator level analysis on IoT cellular connection by technology and application. Further, it also projects the adoption of LTE-M, NB- IoT and 5G IoT connection in China by 2025.

Table of Contents:

  • Cellular IoT Connection
    • IoT Cellular Connection
    • IoT Cellular Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application Share %
  • C-IoT Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection Market Share %
  • C-IoT Connection by Application
    • IoT Energy & Industrial Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Energy & Industrial Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Automotive Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Automotive Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Transport & Logistics Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Transport & Logistics Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Enterprise Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Enterprise Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Residential & Healthcare Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Residential & Healthcare Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Other Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Other Connection by Operators share %
  • Operators
    • China Mobile
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • China Telecom
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • China Unicom
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
  • Contacts

Author: Satyajit Sinha
Published Date: September 2018

Japan IoT Cellular Connection Tracker CY 2010-2025


Japan IoT cellular connection grew 20% in 1H 2018. By 2025, Japan Market will contribute to 3% of Global IoT cellular connection, whereas in 1H 2018 it contributed to only 2%. This report covers operator level analysis on IoT cellular connection by technology and application. Further, it also projects the adoption of LTE-M, NB- IoT and 5G IoT connection in Japan by 2025.

Table of Contents:

  • Cellular IoT Connection
    • IoT Cellular Connection
    • IoT Cellular Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application Share %
  • C-IoT Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection Market Share %
  • C-IoT Connection by Application
    • IoT Energy & Industrial Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Energy & Industrial Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Automotive Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Automotive Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Transport & Logistics Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Transport & Logistics Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Enterprise Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Enterprise Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Residential & Healthcare Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Residential & Healthcare Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Other Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Other Connection by Operators share %
  • Operators
    • SoftBank
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • KDDI
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • NTT Docomo
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
  • Contacts

Author: Satyajit Sinha
Published Date: September 2018

South Korea IoT Cellular Connection Tracker CY 2010-2025


South Korea IoT Cellular Connections Grew 26% in 1H 2018. By 2025, the South Korean Market will contribute to 1.3% of the Global IoT cellular connections whereas in 1H 2018, it contributes to only 0.9%. This report covers operator level analysis on IoT cellular connections by technology and application. Further, it also projects the adoption of LTE-M, NB- IoT and 5G IoT connections in South Korea by 2025.

Table of Contents:

  • Cellular IoT Connection
    • IoT Cellular Connection
    • IoT Cellular Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application Share %
  • C-IoT Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection Market Share %
  • C-IoT Connection by Application
    • IoT Energy & Industrial Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Energy & Industrial Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Automotive Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Automotive Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Transport & Logistics Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Transport & Logistics Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Enterprise Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Enterprise Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Residential & Healthcare Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Residential & Healthcare Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Other Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Other Connection by Operators share %
  •  Operators
    • SK Telecom
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • LGU+
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • KT Crop
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • MVNO
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
  • Contacts

Author: Satyajit Sinha
Published Date: September 2018

USA IoT Cellular Connection Tracker CY 2010-2025


USA IoT cellular connection grew 21% in 1H 2018. By 2025, USA market will contribute to 11% of global IoT cellular connections. This report covers operator level analysis on IoT cellular connection by technology and application. Further, it also projects the adoption of LTE-M, NB- IoT and 5G IoT connection in the USA by 2025.

Table of Contents:

  • Cellular IoT Connection
    • IoT Cellular Connection
    • IoT Cellular Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology Share %
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application
    • IoT Cellular Connection by Application Share %
  • C-IoT Connection by Technology
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 2G Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 3G Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection
    • IoT Cellular 4G LTE Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection
    • IoT Cellular LTE-M Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection
    • IoT Cellular NB-IoT Connection Market Share %
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection
    • IoT Cellular 5G Connection Market Share %
  • C-IoT Connection by Application
    • IoT Energy & Industrial Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Energy & Industrial Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Automotive Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Automotive Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Transport & Logistics Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Transport & Logistics Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Enterprise Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Enterprise Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Residential & Healthcare Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Residential & Healthcare Connection by Operators share %
    • IoT Other Connection by Operators (In million)
    • IoT Other Connection by Operators share %
  • Operators
    • AT&T
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • T-Mobile
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • Verizon
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
    • Sprint
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Technology in share %
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in Million
      • IoT Cellular Connection by Application in share %
  • Contacts

Author: Satyajit Sinha
Published Date: September 2018

Global – Smart Home Trends and Analysis: Smart Speakers Take Center Stage


Smart Homes are transitioning from ‘Automated Homes’ to ‘Siloed Homes’ to ‘Integrated Smart Homes’ of tomorrow. The report defines, breaks down, and provides key trends across the Smart Home value chain, including Devices, Connectivity (Cellular, Ethernet, NB-IoT, Ethernet, Wi-Fi, Zigbee, Z-Wave, BLE), Router/Gateway, Platforms, and Analytics.

It evaluates various devices (smartphone, desktop, smart speaker, Tablet, Notebook), and their capability to eventually become the control devices for all applications. It compares popular voice-assistants available in the market with SWOT analysis. It also briefly covers the other possible Smart Home interaction interfaces such as gestures and motion.

Table of Contents

  • Definition and Categorization
    • Evolution of Smart Home
    • Smart Home Ecosystem Diagram
    • Comparison of Competing Smart Home Devices
  • Key Components – Value Chain
  • Smart Speakers: Device to Control Hub
    • Evolution & Market Trends
  • Types of Smart Home Interactions
    • Hardware Devices
    • Voice/Sound
    • Gestures
    • Motion
  • Smart Speakers: Key Vendors & Strategies
    • Google
    • Amazon
    • Apple
    • Baidu
    • Alibaba
  • Key Takeaways

Author: Hanish Bhatia
Number of Pages: 35
Published Date: August 2018

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