
Global XR (VR & AR Headsets) Market Forecast June 2024 Update


Given the relatively nascent development status of the global AR/VR market and the volatile nature of this phase, which may be impacted by potential changes in the strategies of key market players, this report includes three forecast scenarios for the outlook of the global AR/VR market development: the base scenario, the conservative scenario, and the positive scenario. This approach aims to comprehensively showcase the potential drivers and inhibitors in the growth of the global AR/VR market.

  • Base Scenario: implies a baseline or reference scenario that doesn’t lean too heavily in either direction. It represents the most likely or expected course of events based on current information and assumptions.
  • Conservative Scenario: represents a cautious or risk-averse approach to present a prudent estimation of future performance under less favorable conditions.
  • Positive Scenario: implies a more optimistic outlook and expectation of a more favorable outcome.

For the latest forecast on short-term and longer-term market performance, key market players, and our assumptions for the different forecasting scenarios, please refer to the full report.

Table of Contents:

  • Definitions
  • Short-term forecast (2024-2026F) : VR OEMs and assumptions
  • Short-term forecast (2024-2026F) : AR OEMs and assumptions
  • Short-term forecast (2024-2026F) : Segments
  • Short-term forecast (2024-2026F) : Regions
  • Long-term forecast (2024-2030F) : VR market development and assumptions

Long-term forecast (2024-2030F) : AR market development and assumptions

Published Date: June 2024

Apple Vision Pro Review: Impressive Hardware but Too Costly for Limited Use Cases


The Apple Vision Pro (AVP) made waves when it was initially launched in January 2024 with viral videos of people using the device on subways and in their Tesla doing the rounds. However, launch hype seems to have subsided and reports of reduced production targets illustrate that we are at the early stages in the XR market. Even before the Apple launch, VR/AR shipments declined 19% YoY in FY 2023, according to Counterpoint’s Global XR Model Tracker.

Table of Contents:

  • Initial Impressions
  • Apple Vision Pro Use Case Analysis
  • Perceived Barriers to Adoption
  • Final Takeaways

Number of Pages: 5

Publication Date: June 2024

Global XR (VR & AR Headsets) Market Forecast, March 2024 Update


The global XR headset market showed annual shipment growth of 20% in Q4 2023. However, in the full year 2023, the XR market declined by 19%. 2023 decline was attributed to the lack of compelling XR headsets and attractive use cases. After 3 years of waiting, Meta introduced Quest 3 to its successor Quest 2 in the holiday season of Q4 2023. Seasonality, holiday offers and availability of Quest 2 with price cut which made it an attractive VR offering in Q4 2023. All these factors helped the Meta and overall XR market to perform better. OEMs are now launching AR glasses for specific use cases such as gaming, enterprise, and productivity. Clubbing of features in a single headset and improved user experience will bring more opportunities for the AR headset industry.

Table of Contents:
  • Time period: Q1 2020 to Q4 2023 with yearly granularity
  • XR Device Forecast by Region and User Type
  • XR Device Forecast by Device Type
  • XR Device Forecast by Price Band by Device Type
Publishing Date: March 2024

XR (AR & VR Headsets) Quarterly Model Tracker: Q1 2020 – Q4 2023


The global XR headset market showed annual shipment growth of 20% in Q4 2023. However, in the full year 2023, the XR market declined by 19%. 2023 decline was attributed to the lack of compelling XR headsets and attractive use cases. After 3 years of waiting, Meta introduced Quest 3 to its successor Quest 2 in the holiday season of Q4 2023. Seasonality, holiday offers and availability of Quest 2 with price cut which made it an attractive VR offering in Q4 2023. All these factors helped the Meta and overall XR market to perform better. OEMs are now launching AR glasses for specific use cases such as gaming, enterprise, and productivity. Clubbing of features in a single headset and improved user experience will bring more opportunities for the AR headset industry.

Table of Contents:
  • Time period: Q1 2020 to Q4 2023 with quarterly granularity
  • By brand (40+) and models (100+)
  • By region: Global
  • Specification and prices (35+)
    • Price bands
    • Chipsets Company
    • Chipset Models
    • Display Size
    • Display Type
    • Internal memory
    • RAM
    • Wi-Fi Type
    • FOV
    • 26+ other specifications

Publishing Date: March 2024

Global XR (AR & VR Headsets) Report on Market Insights and Trends, Q4 2023


The global XR headset market showed annual shipment growth of 20% in Q4 2023. However, in the full year 2023, the XR market declined by 19%. 2023 decline was attributed to the lack of compelling XR headsets and attractive use cases. After 3 years of waiting, Meta introduced Quest 3 to its successor Quest 2 in the holiday season of Q4 2023. Seasonality, holiday offers and availability of Quest 2 with price cut which made it an attractive VR offering in Q4 2023. All these factors helped the Meta and overall XR market to perform better. OEMs are now launching AR glasses for specific use cases such as gaming, enterprise, and productivity. Clubbing of features in a single headset and improved user experience will bring more opportunities for the AR headset industry.

Table of Contents:

  • XR (AR/VR) market trends Q4 2023 by device type.
  • XR (AR/VR) market trends Q4 2023 by retail ASP
  • XR (AR/VR) Market Trends Q4 2023 by Top Brands
  • XR (AR/VR) major specs analysis Q4 2023
  • XR (AR/VR) forecast by headset type
  • XR (AR/VR) forecast by brands
  • XR (AR/VR) forecast by regions
  • XR recent Updates and Future Trends

Number of Pages: 27

Publishing Date: March 2024

China AR/VR/Smart Glasses Market Analysis, Q4 2023


VR shipments in the Chinese market dropped 61% YoY in CY2023, in line with our previous projections. The decline in the consumer segment was notably more pronounced than in the enterprise segment. However, in Q4 2023, VR shipments in China surged by 53% QoQ, fueled by vigorous promotional activities from OEMs during the 11.11 Single’s Day sales and increased demand from China’s enterprise segment. OEMs focusing on the enterprise market, such as DPVR, showed more resilience than their consumer-sector peers.

In contrast to the stagnation in China’s VR market, the AR smart glasses market in China experienced a remarkable 67% YoY surge in CY 2023. This growth was propelled by the strong introduction of new products targeting the Chinese consumer segment. These glasses can be primarily classified into two categories: video-watching AR glasses and information-display AR glasses. A notable development in China’s AR market in Q4 2023 was the release of TCL-RayNeo’s X2, a standalone AR glass based on Qualcomm’s XR 2 Gen 1 SoC, and RayNeo’s self-developed Polychrome Micro LED + Diffractive waveguide solution. Although its FoV remained limited compared to products based on mature solutions, it made progress as an independent lightweight product featuring a complexity of functionalities.

For a comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics, as well as our latest forecast on the 2024 Chinese XR market, please refer to the complete report for detailed insights.

Table of Contents:

  • Key Takeaways
  • China VR Market Analysis
    • Market Outlook Update
    • Competitive Landscape, Q4 2023
    • Top-selling Models, Q4 2023
  • China AR/Smart Glasses Market Analysis
    • Market Outlook Update
    • Competitive Landscape, Q4 2023
    • Top-selling Models, Q4 2023
  • Industrial Intelligence Update, Q4 2023
    • AR/VR OEMs’ Latest Developments
    • Latest Developments- AR/VR Supply Chain and Developer Ecosystem
    • Industrial Applications Update

 Number of Pages: 32

Published Date: March 2024

XR (AR & VR Headsets) Report on Market Insights and Trends, Q3 2023


The global XR market continues to decline in Q3 2023 with its lowest volume since Q4 2020. This represents a continuous annual decline since Q4 2021. Outdated headsets from major OEMs, a lack of a high-quality content library and high price points are the main drivers of the XR market’s decline. The main challenge OEMs are facing is the lack of compelling and high-quality VR content and experiences. Standalone VR headsets captured 60% of the total XR market shipments in Q3 2023, down from 93% in Q3 2022This is attributed to the presence of Sony PSVR 2. Global AR shipments remain very low, due to a lack of sales of AR headsets. AR is still in its early stages and needs a breakthrough headsetClubbing of solutions in a single headset will bring more opportunities for the AR headset industry.

Table of Contents:

  • XR (AR/VR) market trends Q3 2023 by device type.
  • XR (AR/VR) market trends Q3 2023 by retail ASP
  • XR (AR/VR) Market Trends Q3 2023 by Top Brands
  • XR (AR/VR) major specs analysis Q3 2023
  • XR (AR/VR) forecast by headset type
  • XR (AR/VR) forecast by brands
  • XR (AR/VR) forecast by regions
  • XR recent Updates and Future Trends

Number of Pages: 21

Published Date: January 2024

China AR/VR/Smart Glasses Market Analysis, Q3 2023


VR shipments in the Chinese market dropped 66% YoY during the initial nine months of 2023. We forecast full-year 2023 VR headset shipments to decline 60% YoY based on factors such as iQiyi’s departure from the VR market in August and Pico’s reduced investment since October. In 2024, we anticipate the Chinese VR market to deliver modest performance. In contrast to the stagnation in China’s VR market in Q3 2023, the AR smart glasses market experienced a 60% YoY increase during the quarter. It also witnessed a remarkable 62% YoY surge in the first nine months of 2023. Based on the continuous launch of new products and aggressive promotions by AR OEMs to stimulate sales during the 11.11 e-Commerce festival, we maintain our 53% YoY growth forecast for China’s AR smart glasses market in the calendar year 2023 and over 50% YoY growth in 2024.

Within China’s supply chain ecosystem, innovations persist in the optical and display sectors. Goertek introduced a new pancake optical module series on July 29, while it is reported that Apple is seeking BOE and SeeYa Technology for additional supply of its MR headset displays. For a comprehensive understanding of the market dynamics, please refer to the complete report for detailed insights.

Table of Contents:

  • Key Takeaways
  • China VR Market Analysis
    • Market Outlook Update
    • Competitive Landscape, Q3 2023
    • Top-selling Models, Q3 2023
  • China AR/Smart Glasses Market Analysis
    • Market Outlook Update
    • Competitive Landscape, Q3 2023
    • Top-selling Models, Q3 2023
  • Industrial Intelligence Update, Q3 2023
    • AR/VR OEMs’ Latest Developments
    • Latest Developments- AR/VR Supply Chain and Developer Ecosystem
    • Industrial Applications Update

Number of Pages: 28

Published Date: January 2024

Global XR (AR & VR Headsets) Market Forecast, January 2024 Update


This report covers the forecast of Extended Reality (XR: AR & VR Headsets) market by shipment and revenue for the period of 2016 to 2027. The report divides the market by top (nearly 25) brands, augmented and virtual reality device types and tethered and standalone form factors for each device type. The report also gives a flavour of the market based on geography and user type.

Data: Brand-level shipments of XR headsets by device type and form factor including wholesale price.

Time Period: 2016 – 2027

Publication Date: January 2024

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