
Indonesia Smartphones Shipment Q1 2024


This report looks at Indonesia smartphone shipment in Q1 2024. It captures shipment growth by price segment, growth of 5G smartphones, new model launches and overall 2024 outlook. It also gives an understanding of how shipment has increased in Q1 2024.
This tracker is useful for anyone who wants to understand the quarterly trend of smartphone shipments in Indonesia.

Table of contents:

  • Key takeaways
  • Indonesia’s Smartphone Shipments
  • Brand Smartphone Shipment Ranking
  • Smartphone Shipments by Price Segment
  • 5G Smartphone Shipments
  • New Model Launches
  • Market Outlook

Published Date: July 2024

US Smartphone Trade-In Promotions Tracker


The Counterpoint Trade-In Tracker monitors the device trade-in values for each carrier regardless of differences in conditions such as plan requirements and new versus existing customers. You can use this tool to compare the difference in trade-in device value being provided via a promotional offer by carrier or new device. This report is updated bi-weekly.

Table of Contents:

  • Description
  • Pivot
  • Flat File
  • Contacts

Publication Date: July 2024


India Smartphone Monthly Model Tracker 2024 May (Online Channels)


India Smartphone market shipments declined by 6% YoY in May 2024. Consumer sentiments were impacted by extreme heatwave conditions which resulted in postponement of smartphone purchases and prioritized spending on other electric appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners. vivo led the smartphone market for the third consecutive month with 20% share in May 2024 driven by T3 series. Xiaomi moved up to second spot in May 2023 with 19% share, it was the only one among top brands to witness a double-digit YoY growth. It also led the online shipments during the month with 24% share. The online share slightly decreased from the previous month to 40% in May 2024, there were various promotional summer sale periods from e-commerce players, but it didn’t have much impact on the online shipments. Samsung was in second place in the online smartphone market with 20% share as it launched online-heavy Galaxy F55 model.

In this report you will find India shipments by:

  • By brand (20+) and model (700+)
  • Online and Offline shipments
  • Online shipments by top e-commerce platforms – Flipkart, Amazon,, and
  • Specifications (100+)
    • Display Size
    • Network technology
    • Operating system
    • Battery capacity
    • Number of cameras
    • And more than 95 other key specifications

Published Date: July 2024

India Monthly Smartphone Market Analysis May 2024


India’s smartphone market shipments declined by 6% YoY in May 2024 due to extreme heatwave conditions, as consumers postponed smartphone purchases to focus on essential cooling appliances. Despite this, the monthly run rate has been quite stable. Indian smartphone market ASP witnessed 8% YoY growth (Retail) and reached to $271 in May 2024. The premium segment (>$400) shipments slightly declined this month whereas the $250-$400 price segment witnessed 30% YoY shipment growth in May 2024.

$150-$250 price band dominated the smartphone market in May with a 30% market share, with Samsung leading this segment with a 23% share. Online shipment shares slightly declined to 40% in May 2024. The summer sale in May couldn’t impact the shipments much and the channel witnessed 11% YoY decline in shipments.

This report tracks monthly India smartphone shipments by brand by model across different e-commerce channel platforms like Flipkart, Amazon,, Paytm, Snapdeal and others. It also tracks 100+ model level specifications which gives an in-depth analysis of the Indian market by channel.

Table of Contents:

  • Market Overview
  • Key OEM Strategies
  • Pricing Analysis
  • New launches Analysis
  • Spec Analysis
  • Channel Analysis: E-commerce and Offline
  • Major OEM Promotions
  • Key Market Trends
  • Market Survey
  • Make in India

Number of pages: 107

Published Date: July 2024

China’s Smartphone Sales Grew 6.8% YoY During 618 Period


In this report, we analyze in detail China smartphone market’s dynamics and brand performance during Week 21 to Week 24 of 2024. The period corresponds to the annual 618 shopping festival in China, which was held between May 20 and June 20 this year. Although most OEMs offered price discounts similar to last year’s festival, China’s smartphone sales still exhibited 6.8% YoY growth, indicating a recovery in market demand. Moreover, this year’s 618 festival lasted longer than usual which was another major reason for the YoY growth during the period.

Table of Contents:

  • Overall Performance and Market Dynamics
  • Brand-wise notes

Number of Pages: 5

Published Date: July 2024

[Tracker] India Premium Smartphone City Level Monthly Sell-out Analysis (Top Cities)


This report provides India Premium market’s smartphone sales (INR 30,000 and above) by brand and model. The report also further goes and provides sales of smartphones for Major cities in India. The report also covers both the offline and the online channel.
The report focuses on understanding the sales of premium smartphone sales across brands, channels (online/offline), price bands, top cities, and ASP. It also highlights the top models across channels and premium price bands along with the top offer for the respective month.
All of the tier 1 cities in India are included, these cities contribute roughly 40% to the Indian Premium smartphone market. As the premium smartphone segment is on the rise outside the metropolitan areas, we have incorporated 4 tier 2 cities to highlight the potential for the premium segment to further expand.
This report is useful for anyone attempting to get a deep-dive view on the India Premium Smartphone Market and its channel and city landscape.

Table of Contents:

  • Pivot file
  • Base File
  • Contacts

Published Date: June 2024

[Report] India Premium Smartphone City Level Monthly Sell-out Analysis (Top Cities)


This report provides India Premium market’s smartphone sales (INR 30,000 and above) by brand and model. The report also further goes and provides sales of smartphones for Major cities in India. The report also covers both the offline and the online channel.
The report focuses on understanding the sales of premium smartphone sales across brands, channels (online/offline), price bands, top cities, and ASP. It also highlights the top models across channels and premium price bands along with the top offer for the respective month.
All of the tier 1 cities in India are included, these cities contribute roughly 40% to the Indian Premium smartphone market. As the premium smartphone segment is on the rise outside the metropolitan areas, we have incorporated 4 tier 2 cities to highlight the potential for the premium segment to further expand.
This report is useful for anyone attempting to get a deep-dive view on the India Premium Smartphone Market and its channel and city landscape.

Table of Contents:

  • India Premium Smartphone Market Snapshot and Key Takeaways
  • India Premium Smartphone Market Overview
    • Market Share by City
    • Market Share by Price Band Across Cities
    • Sales Contribution of Cities Within Price Bands
  • OEM Analysis
    • Market Share by City
    • Sales Contribution by City
    • Channel Share by OEM
    • Market Share by OEM and Price Band
  • Channel Analysis
    • OEM Share by Channel
    • Market Share by Channel
    • Sales Contribution by Channel
    • Channel by Price Band
    • Price Bands Across Cities by Channel
  • Hit Model Analysis
    • Hit Models by Price Band
    • Hit Models by OEM
    • Hit Models by Channel
  • OEM and Channel Promotions
  • Appendix
  • Methodology

Published Date: June 2024

India Monthly Smartphone Market Analysis, April 2024


India Smartphone market shipments declined by 3% YoY in April 2024, Samsung retained its top spot 19% share in Apr 2024, supported by strong growth in the mid and premium segments. Indian smartphone market ASP witnessed 7% YoY growth (Retail) and reached to $279 in April 2024, premium smartphones >$360K shipment contribution remained above 40% in its portfolio.

>$650 ultra-premium segment saw 16% YoY increase in shipments. Apple dominated this segment with a 63% market share with iPhone 15 accounting 52% of Apple’s shipments in the price range. iPhone 15 also led the price segment with 33% share. Online shipment share recovered to reach its highest so far in 2024 at 41% in Apr 2024 the brands filled the channel with summer sale ahead which resulted in this increased share.

This report tracks monthly India smartphone shipments by brand by model across different e-commerce channel platforms like Flipkart, Amazon,, Paytm, Snapdeal and others. It also tracks 100+ model level specifications which gives an in-depth analysis of the Indian market by channel.

Table of Contents:

  • Market Overview
  • Key OEM Strategies
  • Pricing Analysis
  • New launches Analysis
  • Spec Analysis
  • Channel Analysis: E-commerce and Offline
  • Major OEM Promotions
  • Key Market Trends
  • Market Survey
  • Make in India

Number of pages: 112

Publication Date: June 2024

US Weekly Promotions Tracker


Counterpoint’s Promotions Tracker contains the dollar value and parameters of US operators’ phone promotions. The tracker is updated on a weekly basis and contains device promotions for AT&T, AT&T Prepaid, Boost, Cricket, Metro, Spectrum, Straight Talk, T-Mobile, Total by Verizon, Tracfone, Verizon, Verizon Prepaid, and Xfinity.

Table of Contents:

  • Description
  • Pivot
  • Database
  • Contacts

Publication Date: June 2024

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