
Southeast Asia Passenger Electric Vehicle Model Sales Tracker: Q4 2023


This report tracks passenger electric vehicle (EV) sales* by brand and by model across the Southeast Asia (SEA) region. The report tracks major SEA countries like Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Philippines, Singapore and Malaysia. The report will help to understand the market trends of each country, brand dynamics and type of EV penetration (BEV and PHEV). The period covered in this report is from Q1 2018 to Q4 2023.

*Sales here refers to wholesale figures, i.e., deliveries out of factories by respective brands/companies.

*Under electric vehicles, the report only considers battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are not included.

Table of Contents:

  • Definition
  • Pivot Table
  • Flatfile

Published Date: February 2024

Global Passenger Vehicle Forecast by Powertrain, Q4 2023


As the global automotive sector transitions towards electric vehicles it is very important to have an idea of how electric vehicles will reshare the automotive sector. This report gives an idea of how alternative fuel powertrains like Battery EV (BEV), Plug-in EV (PHEV), Hybrid EV (HEV), Mild-hybrid EV (MHEV), Fuel-cell EV (FCEV) shape up in future compared to Internal Combustion Engine vehicles (ICE). The report explores the share of different powertrain across 9 regions such as China, Japan, Korea, NAM, Europe, SEA, Latin America, Middle East & Africa and the Rest of the world. The report also showcases the share of different powertrains across the top 20 automotive groups like Toyota, BYD Auto, BMW, Mercedes-Benz, Hyundai-Kia, Honda etc. from 2018 to 2030

Table of Contents:

  • Definition
  • Pivot Table
  • Flatfile

Publishing Date: February 2024

Global Passenger Electric Vehicle Model Sales Tracker: Q4 2023


This report tracks the global passenger vehicle sales* by brand and by model across 23 regions (China, USA, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Japan, India, Italy, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, ROE, LATAM, MEA and Oceania) quarterly. The report will help to understand regional trends, brand dynamics and type of EV penetration. The period covered in this report is from Q1 2018 to Q4 2023.

*Sales here refers to wholesale figures, i.e., deliveries out of factories by respective brands/companies.

*Under electric vehicles, the report only considers battery electric vehicles (BEVs) and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs). Hybrid electric vehicles and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) are not included.

Table of Contents:

  • Definition
  • Pivot Table
  • Flatfile

Published Date: February 2024

Global Passenger Vehicle Model Sales Tracker: Q4 2023


This report tracks the global passenger vehicle sales* by brand and by model across 23 regions (China, USA, Germany, UK, France, Spain, Japan, India, Italy, South Korea, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina, Russia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, ROE, LATAM, MEA and Oceania) quarterly. The report also includes different types of powertrain systems (ICE, BEV, PHEV, HEV, MHEV, FCEV)* used across passenger vehicles. The report will help to understand brand dynamics, regional trends, and penetration of different powertrain types. The period covered in this report is from Q1 2018 to Q4 2023.

*Sales here refers to wholesale figures, i.e., deliveries out of factories by respective brands/companies.

*ICE: Internal Combustion Engine; BEV- Battery Electric Vehicle; PHEV- Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle; HEV- Hybrid Electric Vehicle; MHEV- Mild Hybrid Electric Vehicle; FCEV- Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle

Table of Contents:

  • Definition
  • Pivot Table
  • Flatfile

Published Date: February 2024

Southeast Asia Autonomous Vehicle Tracker Q3 2023


Autonomy in vehicles stands as one of today’s most widely discussed subjects. This report tracks the evolution of autonomy levels by brands across the models by powertrain in Southeast Asia. The report will help to understand the OEMs’ approach to offering advanced driving assistance features (standard/optional) across its trims. Furthermore, it also gives trends and insights on which brands are making progress in autonomous driving.

Traditionally, electric vehicle (EV) buyers are more inclined towards embracing new technologies. However, this report sheds light on how the adoption of autonomy is unfolding among other powertrains, such as ICE, MHEV, HEV, PHEV, and BEV. Furthermore, it delineates the different levels of autonomy (Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5) offered by various OEMs.

The time period covered in this report is Q1 2022 to Q3 2023.

Table of Contents:

  • Definition
  • Pivot Table
  • Flatfile

Publishing Date: January 2024

Europe Autonomous Vehicle Tracker Q3 2023


Autonomy in vehicles stands as one of today’s most widely discussed subjects. This report tracks the evolution of autonomy levels by brands across the models by powertrain in Europe. The report will help to understand the OEMs’ approach to offering advanced driving assistance features (standard/optional) across its trims. Furthermore, it also gives trends and insights on which brands are making progress in autonomous driving.

Traditionally, electric vehicle (EV) buyers are more inclined towards embracing new technologies. However, this report sheds light on how the adoption of autonomy is unfolding among other powertrains, such as ICE, MHEV, HEV, PHEV, and BEV. Furthermore, it delineates the different levels of autonomy (Level 0, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4 and Level 5) offered by various OEMs.

The time period covered in this report is Q1 2022 to Q3 2023.

Table of Contents:

  • Definition
  • Pivot Table
  • Flatfile

Publishing Date: January 2024

Global Autonomous Vehicle Tracker: Q3 2023


Autonomy in vehicles stands as one of today’s most widely discussed subjects. This report serves to elucidate the adoption of autonomous vehicles across various regions. Currently, we are tracking the autonomous vehicle market across 10 regions: China, USA, Japan, Korea, India, Europe, NAM, LATAM, SEA, and MEA. Additionally, this report provides insights into the differentiation among OEMs concerning autonomous vehicle adoption.

Traditionally, electric vehicle (EV) buyers are more inclined towards embracing new technologies. However, this report sheds light on how autonomy adoption is unfolding among other powertrains, such as ICE, MHEV, HEV, PHEV, and BEV. Furthermore, it delineates the different levels of autonomy (Level 0, Level 1, and Level 2) offered by various OEMs.

The period covered in this report spans from Q1 2022 to Q3 2023.

Table of Contents:

  • Definition
  • Pivot Table
  • Flatfile

Publishing Date: February 2024

BYD to Construct New Manufacturing Plant in Hungary, China’s EV Brands Go Global


On December 22, 2023, BYD announced that it would build a new electric vehicle manufacturing plant in Szeged, Hungary. This report will address the construction of the manufacturing plant and analyze the recent trend of Chinese New Energy Vehicle enterprises entering European markets.

Table of Contents:

  • EU Greenlights Electric Vehicle Future: Gas and Diesel Banned, but Loophole Remains
  • Chinese EV Giant Revs Up: BYD Builds First European Factory in Hungary
  • BYD Blazes Trail: Chinese EV Brands Go Local in Europe
  • Conclusion

Number of Pages: 7

Published Date: February 2023

Automotive Heads-up Display (HUD) Market Trends, 2023


The heads-up display (HUD) is a crucial component of vehicle driver assistance systems, presenting a wide array of information, including navigation details, charging station locations, battery health status, speed metrics, safety indicators, entertainment options, and warnings. Over the years, HUD technology has evolved significantly, progressing from a basic data projector in the 1980s to the current augmented reality (AR)-based HUD systems.

This report aims to delve into the evolution of HUD technology and explore various types of HUD systems. Additionally, it provides a detailed comparison of different imaging technologies such as TFT, DLP, LCoS, and LBS employed in HUD systems. The report also includes an analysis of the HUD value chain, elucidating the relationships within the ecosystem from component players to service providers.

Furthermore, the report highlights specific examples of car models and suppliers associated with each type of HUD – namely, combiner, windshield, and AR. Given that the Chinese market is at the forefront of innovation and the implementation of new technologies at scale, the report thoroughly examines the China HUD market. It also identifies the key drivers influencing the HUD market in China, shedding light on the factors contributing to its leadership in innovation and technology adoption.

Table of Contents:

  • Definition
  • Evolution of HUD
  • Types of HUD
  • HUD Technology Developments
  • Types of Imaging Technologies in HUD & Comparison
  • Value Chain Analysis
  • China HUD Market Trends
  • Car Model – HUD Supplier Relationship

Published Date: January 2024

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