Smartwatch Shipment Forecast by Brand Region (2023November Update)

Dec 2, 2023


Global smartwatch shipments experienced a 9% YoY increase in Q3 2023, building on the gains from the previous quarter. The growth in the quarter seems to be primarily driven by the surge of the Indian market which has been consistently expanding, the Chinese market boosted by Huawei's robust performance, and Apple's new launch of Series 9 and Ultra 2.

By region, NAM is expected to perform weakly in 2023 with Apple's sluggish performance, while China is expected to manage flat growth due to active volume push by OEMs such as Huawei and imoo supported by re-opening in China. Despite some inventory accumulation in the market, Indian OEMs are still aggressive in smartwatch shipments, which is expected to continue the high annual growth of the Indian market in 2023. The European market, which was affected by the Ukraine war, will still need more time to turn to growth, and demand from LATAM and MEA is expected to rebound from 2023.


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Sujeong Lim

Sujeong Lim is a Research Analyst at Counterpoint Research based out of Seoul Korea. In Counterpoint, she focuses on mobile ICT industry and mobile device research, especially dedicated on the Korea mobile market. After 10+ years product marketing experience during her working period, she joined Counterpoint to pursue her interest in IoT and emerging future technology.

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