
Podcast #78: Discussing AI and the Future of IoT Connectivity with Soracom

IoT connectivity is starting to play a crucial role in connecting devices to the internet. From remotely controlling smart home appliances and devices like smart meters to even monitoring industrial machines, IoT applications are proliferating. With the stellar rise of AI, edge computing is enabling even faster decision making.

In this latest episode of ‘The Counterpoint Podcast’, host Mohit Agrawal is joined by Kenta Yasukawa, Co-Founder and CTO of Soracom, a global cellular IoT connectivity provider. The conversation dives into Soracom’s focus areas, recent achievements, the landscape of cellular IoT connectivity, AI, and the company’s vision for the future of IoT.

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Key Takeaways from the podcast discussion:

Soracom’s value proposition

• Soracom offers cellular LPWAN and satellite connectivity solutions, enabling customers to connect their devices to the cloud.
• It acts as a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) but offers additional value-added services to simplify customers’ IoT journeys.
• It helps in accelerating time-to-market by providing a platform with features like:
o AWS cloud environment
o Offloading device processing tasks to the cloud
o Device management and security enhancements

Competitive advantage

• Soracom focuses on being an IoT platform, with connectivity as one of its key features.
• It offers a wide range of functionalities compared to pure connectivity providers.
• Soracom enables data transmission using simple protocols like UDP packets, which helps devices reduce battery consumption and data usage.
• The company also helps in extracting payload data and calling cloud-side APIs for seamless cloud integration.
• Soracom collaborates with MNOs to leverage its capabilities and extend them to MNO customers.

AI and the future of IoT connectivity

• AI is expected to play an important role in IoT advancements.
• Soracom is integrating generative AI which will allow data analysis directly on the platform. It will empower users to gain insights from time-series sensor data including trends and outliers without requiring a data analyst.
• AI can become the missing piece in IoT to make real-time decisions based on data and take appropriate actions.
• AI analysis can also help fleet operators gain valuable insights into fleet behavior and optimize network operations accordingly.

Analyst Takeaways:

• Soracom was tagged as a “Leader” in Counterpoint’s connectivity management platform rankings. It has been making strategic moves recently like listing on Tokyo’s growth stock exchange and receiving investments from Suzuki.
• Suzuki is strong in a few markets like India and this partnership should strengthen Soracom’s position in the auto industry. Automotive is the largest and most lucrative market vertical for IoT. Cubic Telecom, a competitor of Soracom, focuses on the automotive industry and has received significant investment from Softbank.
• AI presents a great opportunity for IoT connectivity players and Soracom’s platform is uniquely positioned to take advantage of AI in analytics, operations management, and fleet management.
• The IoT connectivity opportunity is huge, but the connectivity providers grapple with falling ARPUs and value chain fragmentation. Qualcomm Aware and Telenor’s Complete platform are trying to remove some of the friction points in the value chain. The IoT connectivity providers will need to get into partnerships with device and application providers to enable end-to-end IoT solutions.

Podcast Chapter Markers

01:05 – Kenta Yasukawa introduces himself and offers a brief view of what Soracom does.

02:07 – Yasukawa talks about the recent listing on the growth market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange and investment from Suzuki Ventures.

05:56 – Yasukawa on what differentiates Soracom from its competitors.

08:17 – Yasukawa talks about the current challenges holding back the growth in the IoT market.

09:51 – How can the problem of value chain fragmentation in IoT be solved? Yasukawa shares some insights.

12:59 – Yasukawa on the trend of MNOs hiving out their IoT connectivity businesses, and how it could impact the connectivity market.

14:42 – Yasukawa talks about AI in IoT and IoT connectivity while also giving some use cases.

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Podcast #77: Exploring eSIM Benefits for India’s Digital Growth

eSIM technology is seeing rapid growth. It is being adopted by OEMs in premium smartphones, smartwatches, and tablets, freeing up space for sleeker designs. In our previous podcasts, we spoke about the global eSIM market, innovative business models from various companies, eSIM testing, interoperability, and much more.

In this latest episode of ‘The Counterpoint Podcast’, we look at eSIM opportunities in India, one of the fastest-growing markets in the world. Host Mohit Agrawal is joined by two Kigen officials – VP of Marketing Bee-Hayes Thakore and Regional VP Solutions Mayank Sharma. Kigen is among the companies named as leaders in Counterpoint’s latest eSIM rankings. It is a fast-growing company, renowned across the industry for its eSIM enablement. Kigen also pioneered iSIM technology.

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You can read the podcast transcript here.

Key takeaways from the discussion

Global eSIM adoption:

• Over 400 operators globally offer eSIM, and the market is expected to grow 3-4x by 2027.
• With increasing use cases beyond smartphones and automotive (including wearables, smart meters, logistics and telematics), eSIM adoption is on a positive trajectory.
• Customer premises equipment (CPE) supporting fixed wireless access (FWA) is also driving eSIM adoption.

Initiatives in India:

• Kigen has established a fully GSMA-certified SAS-UP data center in India’s Noida for local eSIM manufacturing and procurement.
• Kigen is actively collaborating with Indian manufacturers to leverage eSIM technology.
• It is supporting the government’s ‘Make in India’ initiative by making it possible for local manufacturers to compete globally.
• Kigen is working to make the adoption process simpler for manufacturers by supporting different types of devices.
• It is also streamlining the provisioning process.
• Factory profile provisioning enables manufacturers to select the operator connectivity in the later stages of the production cycle, thus increasing flexibility.

Key challenges:

• Educating consumers about the benefits of eSIM technology is one of the biggest challenges.
• Ensuring the affordability and long-term viability of eSIM-enabled devices for complex devices like smart meters is another challenge.
• There is also a need for shared business models and partnerships to make devices and technology affordable.
• Managing multiple operator profiles while also ensuring compatibility across different regions and circles can be challenging for device makers.


• In terms of opportunities, secure eSIM technology in infrastructure projects, and smart meters can be beneficial.
• eSIM can offer a secure way to connect devices for banking and mobile payments using companion devices.
• Growth in companion devices can benefit greatly from eSIM technology.

Analyst takeaways

• Kigen is looking at telematics and fixed wireless access (FWA) as the key growth areas for eSIM. FWA is a force multiplier as it enables connectivity in areas that are not covered by fiber. Connectivity, in turn, spurs demand for other consumer and enterprise devices such as point-of-sale (POS) terminals.
• Kigen has made significant investments in India as it views it as a focus market. It has established a SAS-UP certified manufacturing facility in India. India is the fastest-growing IoT market and an early commitment from Kigen will go a long way in establishing it within the Indian manufacturing ecosystem.
• Smart meters represent the biggest cellular IoT opportunity at the moment and for the next few years. India will see over 200 million smart meters installed over the next 4-5 years, offering a big opportunity for Kigen and other players in the ecosystem.

Podcast chapter markers:

1:20 – Mayank and Bee introduce themselves.

4:28 – Bee talks about the global adoption of eSIM.

8:37 – Mayank talks about how eSIM helps Indian operators.

10:23 – Bee talks about how eSIM benefits consumers.

12:45 – Bee sheds light on the impact of eSIM on digital consumption.

15:21 – Mayank highlights some of Kigen’s initiatives in India.

16:26 – Bee talks about the challenges and opportunities in the Indian market.

20:40 – Mayank on how Kigen supports various devices across consumer and enterprise domains.

22:42 – Mayank on how to embed connectivity in factory profile provisioning.

24:59 – Bee and Mayank’s closing remarks on expectations for 2024.

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Podcast #76: GenAI – The Next Big Thing in Smartphones

Generative AI (GenAI) is emerging as a major trend in the tech industry, finding its way into the latest smartphones and PCs. However, on-device AI has been around for a few years now, and there is some confusion regarding the definition of a smartphone with AI and a GenAI smartphone.

In this latest episode of ‘The Counterpoint Podcast’, host Mohit Agrawal is joined by Tarun Pathak, Research Director at Counterpoint Research, to talk about GenAI smartphones. We discuss our definition of GenAI smartphones, potential impact on pricing and upgrade cycle, role of chipmakers, OEM strategies and our forecast. In this discussion, we also touch upon hardware requirements, ecosystem players that are driving GenAI experiences, regional differences and much more.

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Key takeaways from the discussion

Counterpoint’s definition of GenAI smartphone

• We define a GenAI smartphone as a mobile device that leverages large-scale, pre-trained GenAI models to create original content or perform context-aware tasks.
• We expect such devices to have multimodal capabilities, allowing them to process text, image, voice and other inputs to generate a variety of output and enable a user experience that is fluid and seamless.
• We also expect the hardware specifications of such devices to evolve as the technology advances. But at present, a device should have hardware capabilities that are comparable to or exceed the performance of current flagship smartphones to effectively run GenAI models.

Hardware requirements

• A GenAI smartphone should have a processor built on the latest process node designed to undertake AI workloads, like Tensor Processing Units (TPUs) or Neural Processing Units (NPUs).
• It should also support faster hardware such as LPDDR5 RAM, UFS 3.1 storage, Wi-Fi 6E or 5G connectivity, and other advanced connectivity options.

GenAI smartphone vs phone with AI

• A GenAI smartphone can create original content and perform a wider range of tasks.
• A regular smartphone with AI focuses on automating tasks.

Impact of GenAI smartphones on pricing, upgrades

• It is uncertain if GenAI will impact the pricing of smartphones, but a slight increase is possible due to powerful hardware.
• OEMs can explore subscription models for advanced AI features.
• Widespread adoption of GenAI features could help drive upgrades.
• User experience, killer use cases, awareness and effective marketing will be key for consumer adoption.

Ecosystem players, regional differences

• Chipset makers like Qualcomm and MediaTek are doing a great job in creating awareness about the GenAI capabilities of chipsets.
• Smartphone maker Samsung has partnered with Google to bring Gemini LLM features to Galaxy devices.
• Xiaomi is developing its own MILM based on 13 billion parameters.
• OPPO has released its AndesGPT based on a 180-billion parameter model.
• User experiences may vary by region, as LLM developers will work on features catering to local users in different languages and dialects.

Counterpoint’s GenAI smartphone forecast

• Counterpoint Research believes GenAI smartphone share will reach 11% of the overall smartphone market in 2024, and 43% by 2027.
• This translates into roughly 550 million units by 2027. The installed base could surpass one billion by 2027.
• Starting now with premium smartphones, GenAI features, we believe, will diffuse to lower price tiers by 2026, especially the $300-$500 band.

Analyst takeaways

• Smartphones of the future will be more personalized to cater to individual needs and preferences, and AI will play a central role in driving these personalized experiences.
• As OEMs differentiate themselves on AI positioning, the key here will be the evolution of AI use cases. Currently, these use cases include enhanced imaging capabilities, translation features, improved app experiences, content recommendations, creating more personalized content, and more.
• These use cases will evolve as the large language models (LLMs) will continue to grow in both size and efficiency.
• Counterpoint believes that the integration of edge (mobile devices) and cloud will be the mainstream model for GenAI in smartphones, and OEMs with an equally strong play in software capabilities and supported by strategic industry partnerships are likely to stay ahead of the competition.

Podcast chapter markers

01:00 – Tarun defines how smartphones with AI features are different from GenAI smartphone.

05:19 – Tarun talks about LLMs and how Counterpoint is defining them with respect to GenAI experiences.

08:15 – How could hardware requirements for GenAI affect smartphone pricing? Tarun explains.

12:05 – Tarun weighs in on whether GenAI can drive smartphone upgrades and shorten replacement cycles.

15:50 – Apple is currently missing from the GenAI space, but what to look forward to with the upcoming WWDC developer conference.

18:14 – Tarun talks about the role of ecosystem players, from chipmakers to smartphone OEMs and developers, and what they are doing in the GenAI space.

22:35 – Can GenAI experiences differ from one region to another, to cater to local audience? Tarun weighs in on regional efforts.

24:30 – Tarun talks about Counterpoint’s forecast with respect to GenAI smartphones.

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Podcast #75: Exploring The Benefits of 5G Advanced for Operators

5G technology offers a significant leap over 4G, unlocking low-latency, high-upload and high-download speeds in today’s connected era. But as we rely more on connectivity for new and immersive experiences for applications like Extended Reality (XR), connected cars and even generative AI applications, 5G Advanced will push the boundaries of what is possible.

5G Advanced Release 18 is nearing completion with finalization expected in June 2024, whereas Release 19 is estimated to be completed in the second half of 2025. From massive network capacity to ultra-low latency and speeds, 5G Advanced enhances network performance, reduces energy consumption, which is good for sustainability, and brings new use cases like non-terrestrial network (NTN) integration.

In the latest episode of The Counterpoint Podcast, host Gareth Owen is joined by Danny Tseng, Technical Director of Marketing at Qualcomm, to discuss 5G Advanced and current and future advancements in the 5G technology. The discussion focuses on how 5G Advanced will play a crucial role in network performance and energy efficiency, while also integrating new applications like IoT and AI. The conversation also briefly touches upon 6G and beyond.

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Podcast chapter markers

00:58 – Gareth kickstarts the discussion by asking Danny about the status of Release 18 and Release 19.

03:03 – Danny talks about new capabilities and performance improvements of 5G Advanced that will benefit the operators.

04:53 – Danny on new energy-saving features that will be introduced in Release 18 and Release 19.

07:06 – Danny highlights the opportunities for both operators and the satellite industry.

11:22 – AI in air interface is a hot topic. Gareth asks Danny to give the latest information on Qualcomm’s tests on various AI-based air interface use cases.

17:47 – Danny wraps up thoughts on Release 20, followed by Release 21, which is when work on 6G is expected to start.

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Podcast #74: The Future of eSIM, Travel With eSIM Plus

Continuing our eSIM podcast series, we talk to eSIM Plus, a worldwide virtual phone number and mobile data provider. It uses eSIM to overcome digital boundaries and offer comprehensive solutions. eSIM Plus offers a virtual phone number along with flexible mobile data plans tailored to the specific needs of both individuals and businesses.

eSIM Plus seeks to catapult customers into a new era of mobile connectivity based on vast global reach, adaptable solutions and local pricing for global connectivity. The price and convenience of deployment will improve the user experience and serve as the foundation for an “always connected” society.

In this latest Counterpoint podcast, host Ankit Malhotra is joined by eSIM Plus CEO Dina Tsybulskaya to delve into how eSIM Plus plans to go beyond present-day connectivity. The discussion also covers how eSIM Plus is forming synergies between critical sectors like finance and telecom to support advanced technologies like cryptocurrency and leverage the power of blockchain for efficient operations. Dina also emphasizes integrating eSIM with satellite services, disrupting the existing network core and shifting towards global balancing of prices.

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You can read the podcast transcript here.

Podcast Chapter Markers:

00:54 – Dina introduces eSIM Plus and the solutions it offers.

02:39 – Dina highlights some of the eSIM industry trends.

09:15 – Dina talks about advancements and innovations from eSIM Plus.

15:28 – Dina talks about traditional telcos, eSIM app and balancing global pricing.

18:30 – Dina on how eSIM is becoming a traveler’s backpack essential.

23:40 – Dina talks about how eSIM can be beneficial in mission-critical use cases.

26:20 – Dina on future eSIM growth expectations.

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Podcast #73: Thales – Driving Digital Security, Identity Innovations in a Connected World

Continuing our eSIM podcast series, this time we talk to Thales, one of the eSIM provisioning landscape leaders according to Counterpoint’s CORE report. Being in the industry for over 30 years, Thales has played a foundational role in organizations like Trusted Connectivity Alliance (TCA). Thales also deployed the world’s first GSMA-certified eSIM activation solution on Google Cloud.

Thales adopts a hybrid architecture, combining the benefits of public cloud and private cloud for operational excellence and security. It also offers a wide range of activation methods for the consumer market, thus enhancing the end-user journey through various channels. Thales’ strategic focus is on providing eSIM services with a comprehensive portfolio, addressing both consumer and IoT markets, eSIM discovery service, real-time profile adaptation and supply chain optimization.

In the latest episode of ‘The Counterpoint Podcast’, host Ankit Malhotra is joined by Pascal Di Girolamo, Marketing Director at Thales, to talk about eSIM innovations, digital security and more that Thales is working on. The conversation dives into the challenges faced by the eSIM industry, including the need for enhanced customer awareness and a seamless transition from M2M to IoT. Pascal also emphasizes the importance of certification and collaboration with partners like Qualcomm, and much more.

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You can read the podcast transcript here.

Podcast Chapter Markers

00:58: Pascal on Thales’ reaction after learning that it had emerged as a leader in the eSIM provisioning landscape in the CORE report.

01:56: Pascal gives a brief introduction of what Thales does and its journey in becoming one of the industry leaders.

09:38: Pascal talks about some of the major trends we have seen in the eSIM industry over the past few years.

13:51: Pascal on eSIM-only smartphones, and how the 2022 iPhone 14 launch was an inflection point.

15:51: In 2023, eSIM-only iPhone 15 was expected in more regions, but that did not happen. Pascal talks about possible reasons behind it.

18:18: Switching gears to IoT, Pascal talks about the new SGP.32 standard.

20:17: Pascal highlights some of the challenges faced by the industry currently.

24:00: Pascal talks about the differences between eSIM and iSIM.

26:24: Pascal concludes the podcast with his thoughts on the commercial availability of iSIM, industry trends, and expectations for 2024.

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Podcast #72: G+D – Growth + Disruption in Connectivity, Security and Beyond

The launch of the eSIM-only iPhone 14 in the US in 2022 was a landmark moment in eSIM growth and adoption. In our previous podcast series, we talked to experts about eSIM testing, interoperability, and how component shortages were leading to migration from physical SIM to eSIM. Continuing with the eSIM theme, we talked to Giesecke+Devrient (G+D), one of the leaders in Counterpoint’s Global eSIM Scorecard.

G+D has a long 170-year history going from banknote security to becoming a leading eSIM technology innovator. We discuss G+D’s pioneering role in delivering the world’s first commercial SIM card and its subsequent leadership in eSIM solutions. The conversation also highlights eSIM complexities, emphasis on education, industry collaborations for streamlined adoption, and future trends, including IoT advancements with SGP.32.

In this latest episode of ‘The Counterpoint Podcast’, host Mohit Agrawal is joined by Sören Haubold, Head of Market Intelligence and Analyst Relations at G+D to discuss G+D’s journey, the early days of eSIM introduction, subscription management, and testing. They also touch upon the inflection point of the eSIM-only iPhone 14, and more.

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Podcast Chapter Markers

 01:42 – Sören talks about G+D’s history, background in the industry, and digital transformation.

04:53 – Sören talks about G+D’s 32-year journey from SIM cards to eSIM.

06:15 – Sören talks about what puts G+D ahead of the competition and makes it a leader in this field.

07:20 – G+D was one of the first eSIM players. Sören talks about how it all happened, from subscription management to testing with telecom operators and more.

10:15 – Sören talks about the eSIM inflection point and factors leading to its growth.

13:51 – The eSIM-only iPhone in 2022 was a landmark moment for eSIMs, but what exactly changed leading to so many transactions, Sören explains.

20:23 – Sören on what the industry should be doing to increase eSIM awareness.

 24:36 – Sören talks about the exciting eSIM trends for IoT and the overall industry to look for in 2024.

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Podcast #71: Key Takeaways from Qualcomm Snapdragon Summit 2023

Qualcomm recently hosted its annual Snapdragon Summit in Maui, Hawaii, where it made several interesting announcements. AI, more specifically on-device generative AI, was a key theme. Qualcomm demonstrated the AI-on-edge capabilities on both smartphone and laptop reference designs, and they were impressive.

Key announcements included the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 mobile platform, and the all-new Snapdragon X Elite compute platform powered by Oryon CPU cores. Qualcomm also announced the S7 and S7 Pro Gen 1 sound platforms, with the Pro version adding the XPAN feature for streaming audio using Bluetooth and Wi-Fi. Lastly, we also saw Snapdragon Seamless, a technology to link multiple devices across OEMs and multiple operating systems for audio and peripherical connectivity and file transfer.

In the latest episode of “The Counterpoint Podcast”, Research Director Tom Kang and VP of Research Neil Shah discuss their key takeaways from the Snapdragon Summit 2023. They touch upon the industry’s transformation towards AI-driven experiences, partnerships, the reduced gap between chipset release and chipset adoption, and much more.

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Podcast Chapter Markers

00:33 – Neil talks about how this year’s Snapdragon Summit was different than the previous ones.

01:39 – Tom adds his views on what was interesting at the Snapdragon Summit this year.

02:53 – Neil shares his views on the Snapdragon X Elite with on-device generative AI, and how it can be revolutionary for the AI PC industry.

05:06 – Tom talks about Meta’s Llama 2 model unlocking new AI capabilities and experiences.

05:53 – Neil touches on Qualcomm’s partnerships for optimizing over 30 AI models for the X Elite and Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 platforms.

07:01 – Tom talks about AI experiences showcased by Qualcomm at the summit, and OEMs launching new devices at the same time as the chipset launch.

09:01 – Neil talks about the Snapdragon X Elite, its Oryon core, and ARM-based chipsets from competitors like AMD, NVIDIA, and Intel.

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Podcast #70: Qualcomm Driving On-device Generative AI to Power Intelligent Experiences at the Edge

Generative AI like ChatGPT and Google’s Bard have disrupted the industry. However, they are still limited to browser windows and smartphone apps, where the processing is done through cloud computing. That is about to change soon as Qualcomm Snapdragon-powered devices will soon be able to run on-device generative AI.

At MWC 2023, Qualcomm showcased Stable Diffusion on a Snapdragon 8 Gen 2-powered Android smartphone. The demo showed how a smartphone can generate a new image with text commands or even change the background, without connecting to the internet. Running generative AI apps directly on a device offers several advantages, including lower operational costs, better privacy, security, and reliability of working without internet connectivity.

ALSO LISTEN: Podcast #69: ChatGPT and Generative AI: Differences, Ecosystem, Challenges, Opportunities

In the latest episode of ‘The Counterpoint Podcast’, host Peter Richardson is joined by Qualcomm’s Senior Vice President of Product Management Ziad Asghar to talk about on-device generative AI. The discussion covers a range of topics from day-to-day use cases to scaling issues for computing resources and working with partners and the community to unlock new generative AI experiences across the Snapdragon product line.

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You can read the transcript here.

Podcast Chapter Markers

01:35: Ziad starts by defining generative AI and comparing it with machine learning and other types of AI.

03:56: Ziad talks about AI experiences that are already present in Snapdragon-powered devices.

06:24: Ziad addresses the scaling issue for computing resources used to train large language models.

09:46: Ziad deep dives into the types of day-to-day applications for generative AI on devices like a smartphone.

13:34: Ziad talks about the hybrid AI model, involving both cloud interaction and edge.

15:43: Ziad on how Qualcomm is leveraging its silicon chip capabilities to unlock generative AI experiences.

19:20: Ziad on how Qualcomm is working with its ecosystem and the developer community.

21:57: Ziad touches on the privacy and security aspect with respect to on-device generative AI.

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