Sri Lanka marked communal violence with Easter Bombings during April 2019 and its mobile handset market shipment declined 2% QoQ and reached 1.6 million units in Q2 2019. Smartphone contribution to the total mobile phone shipment increased in Q2 2019, accounting for 62% of the total shipments.
This report drills down into the telecom market, dissects mobile phone market trends, market shipments, and other related metrics. It also lists down the top 10 smartphones for the quarter and details the key smartphones that were launched during this period. It thereafter deep dives into the market, listing out shipment share by various factors including technology, display size, primary camera, battery capacity and more. The report concludes with strategies adopted by key OEMs, their promotions and market trends. This report is useful for carriers, OEMs and component suppliers wanting to get a deeper understanding of the Sri Lankan market.
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Aug 22, 2019
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