Smartphone shipments in the online channel reached their highest ever share of 46% during Q3 2019, according to the latest research from Counterpoint’s Market Monitor service. Online channel shipments grew 55% year-on-year (YoY) in Q3 2019 driven by new launches and aggressive sell-in ahead of annual online sales like Flipkart’s Big Billion and Amazon’s Great India festive season sale. As a result of this, both Flipkart and Amazon reached their highest ever quarterly smartphone shipments in the online segment.
Flipkart led the overall online market with a 57% share, Amazon grew faster (+75% YoY) to capture 33% share within overall online channels. realme and Xiaomi were the best-selling brands on Flipkart while Xiaomi, Samsung and OnePlus drove Amazon’s growth. The growth and maturity of online channels, by serving more zip codes than ever, coupled with greater customer service, attractive promotions from discounts, to cashback, to EMI and exchange offers helped brands like Xiaomi and realme to take a lead in the online segment.
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