Monthly Market Pulse - January 2015

Feb 25, 2015

The Market: Sales in general has been quite stable during January. Therefore, not major
YoY or MoM volume shift. Sell in dropped as the channel is working on decrease inventory
built during Christmas season. Many Asian countries and the US sales of devices grew.
While other markets, such as the European, declined MoM.

Smartphones penetration is at all time high. It increased 4% MoM, up to 78% in January
2014. This growth is driven mainly by increasing 4G devices. LTE represented 58% of all
smartphones sold in January, 5% higher than previous month.

Vendors: The smartphone landscape showed some level of stability but some share shifted
substantially. The biggest loser has been Apple following the outstanding success in
December 2014, Samsung has also lost share slightly. The momentum remains with Lenovo,
including Motorola, Microsoft/Nokia, multiple Chinese and Regional brands.


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Feb 25, 2015

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