"Lenovo has launched the Carme smartwatch in India on September 14, with attractive features on health and fitness. The Lenovo Carme smartwatch has a smooth design and is mainly targetting the fitness freaks. It has a 1.3-inch IPS display which is accompanied with a one-touch sensor to control and manage utilities. Also, it has IP68 waterproof support and dustproof technology. This is going to be a direct competition to the Mi Band 4. With a price tag of INR 3,499 (approx. US$48), this watch has a lot to offer. People who were considering buying the Mi Band 4 for INR 2,682 (approx. US$38) will now reconsider their decision and may go for a smartwatch instead of just a band for a little extra investment." - Abhilash Kumar
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Sep 17, 2019
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