Our Q2-2015 Market Monitor report has been published. We publish one infographic each quarter to summarize the handset and smartphone market activities in a single page.The report tracks more than 75 vendors' shipments every quarter.
- The global mobile phone industry shipments grew 5% YoY.
- Middle East Africa was the fastest growing region -- it grew 7 times faster than global.
- One in every five mobile phone shipped globally is a Samsung.
- Huawei became the world’s third largest handset vendor surpassing Microsoft.
- Asus shipments grew 5X from a year ago to become the fastest growing brand, followed by Vivo, that grew 4X compared to a year ago
- 3 out of 4 mobile phone shipped on planet is a smartphone.
- Excluding Samsung, Apple now generates more smartphone revenues than the all other players combined
- One in two smartphones shipped globally is LTE capable.
- US and China together contributed two-thirds of all LTE smartphones
- LTE Smartphone shipments grew 4X in china and 12x in India annually