Global Smartwatch Market Analysis Q3 2023

Nov 30, 2023


Global smartwatch shipments increased 9% YoY in Q3 2023, building on the gains from the previous quarter. The Q3 2023 growth was primarily driven by the surge in the Indian market, which has been consistently expanding, and the Chinese market, boosted by Huawei's robust performance. Samsung and Apple launched new products in Q3 2023 which helped the HLOS smartwatch market grow 23% QoQ during the quarter, with a notable 9% YoY expansion driven by Huawei's impressive performance. The dominance of HLOS smartwatches is evident in all regions except India. On the other hand, with the robust growth in the Indian market, the Basic Smartwatch market also experienced a significant 16% YoY expansion.

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Nov 30, 2023

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Hannah Jang

Hannah Jang is a Research Associate at Counterpoint Research, based in Seoul, South Korea. At Counterpoint, she focuses on research in the smartphone, smartwatch, and XR markets. Hannah holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chinese Language and Literature from Yonsei University in Korea.

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