Smartwatch Shipment Forecast by Brand Region (2024 February Update)

Mar 5, 2024


Global smartwatch shipments reached 43.3 million units, marking a 5% year-on-year increase in Q4 2023, and moderate growth of 5.8% was achieved on an annual basis.

By smartwatch device types, HLOS smartwatch shipments experienced a 6% year-on-year decrease, whereas Basic smartwatch saw a notable 31% year-on-year increase. This trend appears to be linked to the rise in the proportion of Basic smartwatch shipments, particularly in India and LATAM, which significantly contributed to the overall year-on-year growth in global smartwatch shipments during the fourth quarter of 2023.


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Sujeong Lim

Sujeong Lim is a Research Analyst at Counterpoint Research based out of Seoul Korea. In Counterpoint, she focuses on mobile ICT industry and mobile device research, especially dedicated on the Korea mobile market. After 10+ years product marketing experience during her working period, she joined Counterpoint to pursue her interest in IoT and emerging future technology.

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