Global Smartwatch Shipments by Model Quarterly Tracker, Q1 2018-Q2 2022

Aug 18, 2022
The latest research from Counterpoint’s IoT service reveals that the global smartwatch market grew 13% YoY reaching 30.9 millions of quarterly shipments thanks to huge growth of Indian market. As a result, India overtook China in the quarter to become the second largest market after NAM. Many of the major brands grew year-on-year, but some brand like Huawei and Garmin saw a decline amid unfavorable market environment. This report analyses the shipments of smartwatches splitting them on ASPs, pricebands and revenues. It also includes model and specs level analysis with a region split.
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Sujeong Lim

Sujeong Lim is a Research Analyst at Counterpoint Research based out of Seoul Korea. In Counterpoint, she focuses on mobile ICT industry and mobile device research, especially dedicated on the Korea mobile market. After 10+ years product marketing experience during her working period, she joined Counterpoint to pursue her interest in IoT and emerging future technology.

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