Global Cellular IoT Chipset Shipments Forecast by Brand by Tech by Application 2018-2025

Dec 21, 2021


This report forecasts IoT chipset shipments by module vendors by cellular connectivity technology (2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, NB-IoT, LTE-M, LPWA-Dual Mode) by application segment globally. The time-period covered by this report is Q1 2018 to 2025 with eight quarterly and three yearly forecasts. This report helps in understanding the evolution of chipset players and the market dynamics of chipset players in the global cellular IoT module market. In-depth knowledge about more than 12 chipset players across 18 application categories is mapped within this report. We are also providing 4G connectivity technology forecast into more details like LTE Cat 1, Cat 4 and Cat others.

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Soumen Mandal

Soumen is a Senior Research Analyst who is tracking IoT, Automotive and Telecommunication ecosystem at Counterpoint Technology Market Research. He is interested in IoT applications, connections, components, electric vehicles, connected cars, autonomous vehicles, semiconductors, shared mobility, services and emerging technologies. He started his career as an Energy Analyst with Manikaran Power Ltd. He has experience in working with DISCOMs and SLDCs in Indian power and energy industry. He is currently based in Gurgaon. He holds an Electrical Engineering degree and MBA in Marketing & Finance.

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