China Passenger Electric Vehicle Model Sales Tracker: Q1 2024

May 27, 2024
This report tracks passenger EV sales by brand and by model in China also help to understand the market trends and type of EV penetration

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May 27, 2024

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Abhik Mukherjee

Abhik Mukherjee is an automotive market analyst and consultant, specializing in the evaluation and assessment of leading automakers’ performance, financial metrics, and strategic approaches. Leveraging his extensive expertise in automotive trend analysis, he delivers in-depth insights, strategic analysis and industry forecasts. Before joining Counterpoint, Abhik served as an academic research analyst and holds both an M.Phil and a Master’s degree in Economics.

Liz Lee

Liz, an Associate Director at Counterpoint Research, has 14+ years of extensive experience in the tech industry. Previously, Liz worked for Samsung SDI focusing on IR (Investor Relations) along with insight-based analysis of emerging tech markets and corporate strategies. She holds an International MBA degree from Waseda Business School.

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