AI-powered Cellular Modules to Push Beyond Traditional Growth by 2030

Sep 23, 2024
This report discusses adoption of AI in cellular modules, with a particular focus on hardware AI & highlights the current adoption in 2023

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Sep 23, 2024

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Subhadip Roy

Subhadip Roy is a Research Analyst at Counterpoint, specializing in IoT cellular modules, chipsets, NAD modules, Satellite IoT, and IoT applications. With a technical background, Subhadip holds a B-Tech degree in Electrical Engineering from West Bengal University of Engineering. He contributes to research and analysis in the evolving IoT industry, with a focus on technological advancements and market trends.

Mohit Agrawal

Mohit is responsible for tracking Digital Transformation and Internet of Things (IoT) at Counterpoint Research. He has over two decades of rich industry experience having worked with large tech companies like Accenture, Airtel, Nokia, and Microsoft in the past. Before joining Counterpoint, Mohit was the co-founder & CEO of a start-up in the competitive and market intelligence space utilizing big data and AI. He is a keen follower of the developments in devices and key internet technologies like IoT, Blockchain, AI, etc.
Mohit is an engineer, MBA and a certified project management professional. He is based out of The Hague in Netherlands.

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