Infographic: Smartwatch Market | Q1 2022

Jun 11, 2022

Smartwatch Market Share by Brand

The global smartwatch market grew 13% YoY, reaching shipments at 33.7 million units in Q1 2022 and continued double-digit growth for the fifth consecutive quarter. Apple maintained a solid lead and increased 14% YoY in Q1 2022. Some shipments carried over to Q1 2022 due to a month late launch of Apple Watch 7, which helped continue the strength of the brand.

Smartwatch Market Share by Region

While most major regions grew YoY, only Europe recorded flat growth. Although Apple and Samsung continued to grow year-over-year, other major brands such as Garmin and Fitbit performed weakly in the European market during this period.

Counterpoint Research Infographic: Smartwatch Market | Q1 2022

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Jun 10, 2022


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